Soora Huinë Character in Felstadt | World Anvil

Soora Huinë

Personal History

  Soora’s parents died when she was young. The only guidance she had took the form of her older brother, Varis Huinë. The two struggled to eke out a living in Tentpole district of Felstadt. If Soora went to bed hungry many nights, her older brother spent his days and nights starving.   Things got a little easier for them when Varis joined the Jawbones. They were finally able to eat consistently. Soora joined them as well once she was old enough. The members became like a second family to her and Varis. They trained her to suit their needs, and it was here that she perfected acrobatics and her art of the bow. Like her brother, she understood what it took to survive, so she was an easy candidate and soon became their best sniper assassin.   Soora began with assassinations where the targets were people she believed deserved to die. Living on the streets as a child, she had witnessed the worst of humanity, and it felt better to her to kill those who deserved it. Over time, as she became desensitized to death, she started taking jobs just for riches and rank without asking who the targets were. It was easy, she was good at it, and that made her valuable. But that all changed with one mark.   She had been trailing this person for weeks to learn all their secrets, and while this person was stupid rich, he was using lots of his riches to feed and support children and homeless in the Tentpole. That was something she had always wished she’d had as a child. It felt wrong to kill someone who was doing so much good. Soora couldn’t go through with it, and actually warned the man that the Jawbones were after him.   Normally if you cross the Jawbones, you are hunted down and killed. But Soora’s brother, now high in the ranks of the Jawbones, was the one who had to make the order. Varis forbade the usual pursuit and instead exiled Soora from the Jawbones forever. Soora left the Jawbones and did not speak to her brother again.   She traveled the world for a bit, but eventually returned to Felstadt after having recurring dreams that her brother and his wife were going to be murdered. Soora searched Felstadt for him for years, never to find him on her own. She eventually realized that if she were going to find him, she would need the connections of a powerful group of people...  

The Ring & Wren

  Soora made contact with her brother after(?) the Night of the Living Shadows when the Ring & Wren went to talk with the Jawbones. After doing so, they fought a Roc that was flying over the city.   During the ritual to restore power to The Rocks, Soora became a champion of Obsis and received the weapon Obsidian.  

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Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Thieve's Cant