National Aetheric Grid Organization in Favont | World Anvil
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National Aetheric Grid

The NAG is the foundation of aetheric energy distribution in Favont. Created during The Age of Enlightenment, it revolutionised how aetheric energy was accessed and utilised. The network, maintained by a blend of Magi, humans, and slaves, represents a monumental leap in magical technology and societal advancement.


The guild is led by a group of Magi who each oversee the charging of their designated power stations with their own aetheric energy. They make strategic decisions and are reported to by a human manager who handles the day-to-day operations of the power station. Although humans have a minor role in the guild, they have significant authority in the power stations. They implement plans created by the Magi, supervise labour in the power stations, and oversee infrastructure construction. A small group of humans at entry-level work at the guildhall, providing technical support. The slaves, who are owned directly by the NAG, perform all the manual labour in the power stations, including the charging of battery packs. They also maintain the pylons and infrastructure that make up the national grid.


The NAG has a culture of practicality and dedication among its human members, all aimed at providing aetheric energy in a seamless manner. Meanwhile, the Magi enjoy the prestige and influence that accompany their responsibilities. There is a small ceremony when each time the Magi charges the station. They wear robes, while humans are expected to bow and slaves are expected to postrate themselves in their presence. There is also a significant divide within the guild, with different classes rarely cooperating with each other. In Esprite's guildhall, the Magi maintain their exclusivity and frequently hold events without the participation of others.

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The Ananan terrorist group Vy'a'paka kills the Magi in charge of powering Esprite West Station.

Public Agenda

The NAG is responsible for the distribution of aetheric energy throughout the country, ensuring that aetheric infrastructure and reliability are maintained, regardless of the location or social status of the end user. However, the NAG still upholds the sanctity of magic by having a Magi charge up the power station, an event that is treated with great reverence. Although the Magi possess the technology to automate the charging process, they prefer to retain some control so that the nation continues to feel indebted to them, and they receive the respect that they deserve.


The NAG boasts an extensive array of assets, including:

  • Power Stations: Strategically located throughout Favont, with at least two in each county, these facilities are the centre of the aetheric distribution system.
  • Aetheric Batteries: Used to store magical energy, these batteries are essential for maintaining the grid's operation outside of the weekly Magi charge and serve as a backup.
  • Infrastructure: Comprising wires, towers, and substations, this physical network is vital for distributing aetheric energy across vast distances.


The NAG was established in the year 627 during the Age of Enlightenment when the Magi recognised the need to step back to allow humans to perform repetitive tasks so that they could focus better on pursuits of the mind. Power stations allowed for the distribution of aether without the presence of a Magi. The presence of power stations spread quickly in only a few years, charging everything from houses to transport to hospitals. The people greatly adored the gift of aether from the Magi, and humans and slaves continued to show their reverence for the power of their superiors. Today, the tradition of praising the Magi's gifts when others witness them remains strong.

donum angelorum, verum factum

Founding Date
Corporation, Energy Industry
Alternative Names
Grid Agents

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