Shadow Sector Black Organization in Farsight High School | World Anvil

Shadow Sector Black

Shadow Sector Black (hereafter SSB) was a mysterious and secretive organization. It is most known as the organisation that caused the War of Flames and the formation of the Blackflame Gulch. However, as was later revealed by the journalists who interviewed their leader, the organisation was involved in many more events throughout the Age of Expansion and played an important part in the development of Concordia in its first few centuries.

The infamous leader of Shadow Sector black was Aurillius Erron, an ambitious human that had survived the Fey Fall as a young man. He charismatically gathered a following willing to aid him in gaining power and influence, in exchange for prosperity. Aurillius' main goal was to ascend to the seat of an archdevil. His followers were deeply loyal to him, to a point of near zealous devotion. They were focused on gathering knowledge and wealth away from the watchful eyes of the government. Outwardly, very little was known about Aurillius and his crew, even though they managed to gain connections with many other influential groups, such as the Tolhuis mercenaries, the Flamel group, and the venerable baron Von Hünchmausen.

Through their connections they gained knowledge of the occult, from the soot elves and the ruins of Azurdoom. They did not openly involve themselves in the main conflicts. Instead they secretly hoarded that which would not be missed and experimented with long lost rituals. This proved enough to extend Aurillius’ lifespan and regain his youth, along with his closest confidants. Aurillius did show tiefling traits after these experiments, but would procede to act under aliases and false identities to remain unnoticed.

SSB accumulated enough wealth to found their own outpost in the west, which was called Errondall. The elven wizard Nyron Varona, a right hand man to Aurillius, made connections with the arcanists of Alothlien, learning enough to open a secret portal to the Abyss there. They made agreements with a night hag, Violet Waxmumbler, exchanging souls for more fiendish power. Aurillius and his general Tiago Esperoza also gained acclaim in the Blood War in the Abyss. Aurillius lost his lower jaw in this combat, yet it did nothing to dissuade his following.

In 190 AFF, they found everything they needed in the Cauldrim ruins to open a portal to the Nine Hells in Errondall. No sooner than the arrival of the devas at the Honeycomb Hills, did Aurillius move his people into a hold in the Nine Hells. So far the ambitions of SSB had gone unnoticed by the people of Concordia, except for a few members of the Yu Me. They were allowed to interview Aurillius with the one condition that it would be published after his ascension, which was soon at hand. The final step to his goal was to kill an archdemon. Tiago Esperoza died in the process of gathering the final intelligence. Aurillius defeated his foe and used the archdemon's essence to ascend as Auridithax the Ambitious.

However, the ritual of his ascension radiated a wave of magic so powerful, that it extended through the portal into Errondall. Triggering the other portal there, a chain reaction blew out, igniting whole veins of ostiumite crystals. These activated pockets formed countless portals to the Nine Hells and the Abyss, each exploding with their own magical wave. This was the cause of the Blackflame Gulch and the War of Flames.