Book - Fall of the Dragons Document in Farrah | World Anvil
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Book - Fall of the Dragons

The following is an except of a book, Fall of the Dragons, published in 173 AQ   The battle at Mount Quarinth marked the end of the war and the defeat of the dragons. The armies of the coalition had been making surprising gains against the dragons, but even with their newfound leader they did not have the strength to defeat the might of the dragons in a protracted war. Many feared that even should they prevail the strength of man would be spent and the land would fall into a slow extinction spiral.    The generals of the army came up with a desperate plan, to strike at the heart of the dragons and kill Unos, the sleeping behemoth and thus, through the link that bound the dragons, slay them all. The plan risked much, and there was a great debate between the leaders of the armies whether it could be successful. After a night of arguing and a duel between two generals it was agreed that a strike on Mt Quarinth was the only hope of victory.    The armies of men, elves and gnomes battled their way to the summit of the mountain against the Dragons and their armies while the dragon slayer stood on the summit and cast a mighty spell to slay the Great Foe as he slumbered.    The attack was successful, and the first dragon was killed, and with him perished his entire race, slain by the link that bound them to him, however it came at a terrible cost, for of the 10,000 soldiers who fought in the battle, only a small fraction survived, and worse the dragon slayer collapsed and died on the summit, his body recovered and bourn down the mountain by his loyal advisor and his son.
Manuscript, Historical


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