(NPC) Prince Nestor Shakur Character in Farrah | World Anvil
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(NPC) Prince Nestor Shakur

Prince Nestor Shakur (11 January 238 AQ - ) is a prince, wizard, military leader and heir to the throne of Correlon. Born into wealth and power, Nestor was prepared for Kingship from childhood. His father, King Salendor, made sure Nestor received a full education in arts, science, history, military tactics and magic.   Nestor was given command of an expedition to North Epigea in Sarmakand to try to locate the Tablet of Unos. The forces of the Vetala surrounded the city and Nestor's expedition were the only ones with the military and magical might to keep them at bay. Nestor initiated a bloodless coup against the local rulers of Sarmakand and quartered himself in the Skylance at the centre of town. Nestor's expedition created magical wards against the Vetala while they searched the city for the Tablet of Unos. During this time the elves took what they wanted from the locals, in a practice that became known as paying 'the Elven Price'. During the siege Nestor encountered the Soldiers of Sarmakand (PC Group) and took the tablet of Sarmakand from them. The Soldiers of Sarmakand then stole the tablet back from Nestor and fled the city.   The shades of the Vetala entered the city, escorted unknowingly by the Soldiers of Sarmakand. As the internal defence of the city began to collapse, Nestor ordered the withdrawal of his expedition. Nestor's priority was the safety of his elves and he expended no resources protecting the local humans. Nestor was able to escape the siege along with most of his followers. He returned to Correlon.   Nestor next returned to Farrah 511 AQ when he represented Correlon in the signing of the Triple Alliance. During the signing of these accords Nestor briefly encountered the Time Warriors, although he had little interaction with them.   Nestor, in concert with Archmage Gilferal, lead the Elven army to participate in the Second Battle of Chixculub. After the alliance collapsed on the island Nestor organised the retreat of the Elven army.   In 519 AQ Nestor met with Queen Stephanie on Nightsun Island to discuss the failure and collapse of the Triple Alliance. Nestor blamed Farrah for attacking the Elves, but agreed to a non-aggression pact while the rumour of the Vetala's escaping the trap was investigated. Nestor also agreed to have his mages investigate modifications to the binding spell using Pelostire Rock.
Year of Birth
238 281 Years old


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