(Campaign20) The Witching Road Report in Farrah | World Anvil
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(Campaign20) The Witching Road

General Summary

The Twentith Campaign played in Farrah. Set in 519 AQ and played by the Seventh Symphony (PC Group).   The Seventh Symphony began by entering Fort Portal, a town on the western edge of Skarlsburg Forest. They were searching for a Seer called Portia De Maar, who would be a valuable recruit for the Harpers. They had been tasked by their handler, Stewart Blacker, to find and bring in De Maar.   The Symphony first speak with Johann Schelling, a local wellness guru and friend of the Harpers. Gareth (Josh) and Blan Kanvas (Harley) purchase drugs and get directions from him. They learn that De Maar is travelling with an unknown man and may have left town. During this time John Morrigan (Max) annoyed locals with preaching.   The rest of the Symphony ask around town and discover that De Maar is travelling with former commander of the Dusk Tower, Luc Lacey, and that they have started down the Witching Road.   While in Fort Portal the Mayor makes an announcement that assassins tried to kill Queen Stephanie, but failed. The Queen gave birth to Princess Rae after the attack. The attack killed her husband, Prince Consort Ralf Engel.   The Symphony enter the Witching Road to follow De Maar, but not before Schelling turns up dead, poisoned. The group make their way along the Witching Road, flagging defects in the road for the Vedette to repair and annoying a pair of cargo movers who travel up and down the road regularly.    The Symphony encounter a giant spider on the top of the road, but do not antagonise it into attacking. Toward the end of the road a trap is set for them. The road is sabotaged and Morrigan’s donkey Aegus is lured into an alarm to summon zombies onto the road. The Symphony slay some zombies and flee to Endurance, alerting the local Vedette.   Morrigan accuses the Vedette of hiding whoever tried to kill the Symphony, and gets arrested. After a few hours of lockdown the Mayor of Endurance releases Morrigan and the party are free to travel around Endurance. They determine that De Maar and Lacey have left the town already by the Folly Gate.   The group stop to preform a church service to Heironeous in the town and then convince an elderly lady to unlock the gate and lock it behind them.   The Symphony begin their long journey down Frederick’s Folly. They encounter numerous zombies, giant spiders, and blood sucking parasites. They also find an intelligent undead beast that appears to be hunting someone through the forest.   The Symphony arrive at a river crossing to Innsburg, and meet Elsee Farreach. The elf reveals that she tried to kill them believing them to be Razors. The Symphony and Farreach team up and go to Innsburg to rest. That night they hide in a wine cellar and drink wine. Morrigan finds a very rare and expensive wine in the ancient cellar and takes it.   The Symphony and Farreach then travel to Jalahan’s Lair on a swan boat. On the river Gareth falls overboard when the boat encounters a large predatory undead creature. He is pulled up and they continue onward.   They reach Jalahan’s Lair and come across a battle. Luc Lacey is defending Portia De Maar from zombies as she completes a powerful ritual. The Symphony and Farreach join in the battle, racing to the ruins and taking up defensive positions, trying to hold off the horde until De Maar completes her spell.   Morrigan and Lacey both die in the fight, giving their lives so that the rest of the group could live. De Maar completes the spell as the undead close in on the desperate and wounded group. Farreach animates a tree and it carries them all to safety. They see Luc Lacey swarmed by a pile of undead as the battle recedes into the mist, with Kanvas firing one last eldrich blast at the swarm.   The group travelled to the Dividing River, with De Maar guiding them to avoid undead and patrols from the Nycthemeron Towers. There, De Maar agrees to join the Harpers despite a counter offer from Farreach to join Correlon.    The Symphony sends a message to Stewart Blacker that they succeeded in their mission, and hire a boat to start their long journey home.   PC groups in this campaign -The Seventh Symphony
Report Date
15 Sep 2020


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