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15th of Adu/607/1E

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This passage was excerpted from the book "Understanding Farore: A History of the World":

The Builder passed his hand over the cosmos and created Farore. Crafting the mountains and the skies with a meticulous touch, he breathed life onto the land. Reaching into the ley lines of the edges of the universe, he gave the land magic. When he had seen that his work was good, he brought forth five beings from the land and gave them dominion. Bestowing upon each of them an item to represent their sovereignty of the land, the Builder charged them with the protection of the land. With that, the Builder left.   These great beings stood at the edge of the world where no life had stirred and looked over the land they had been gifted. And a debate began to determine the fate of the land and its people.   Zayad, the Depraved, youngest of the five, looked down in disgust at the wandering races and brandished his flaming sword.   "Siblings, allow me to purge these monstrosities. They are uncouth and are like fleas upon our Mother's back. Only then will our Mother truly know peace."   Shaking her head in disgust at her brother's suggestion and her armor reflecting, Rayna, the Righteous Goddess, looked down at the pitiful and lost creatures that walked below.   "Let us teach them ethics. Through laws they will have the ability to bring peace to our Mother."   Next to speak was Veeria, the Graceful. Removing her helm and peering at the races, she responded to the youngest.   "Brother, we may not purge that which the Builder has wrought. Instead, let us fill their hearts with patience and compassion. Through these, they will bring peace to our Mother."   Takrisis, Mistress of Ruin, dark eyes gleamed as she appraised the races that roamed the land, revealed an idea as black as the ring that graced her finger.   "These creatures are weak. Let us rule over them as their betters for all eternity. Only with our governance will these races be worthy of survival and bring peace to our Mother."   Adu, Sage of the Gods, eldest of the group, was the last to speak. With his great amulet around his neck, he overlooked the Builder's creation and saw potential in the those that roamed the land.   "Let us each retire to a corner of our Mother. We must allow the children of the Builder to flourish on their own. They will toil and fail, but they will grow and will achieve the peace for our Mother."   Acquiescing to their brother's wish, the five beings fled to their corner of the world.