Farahtor Ritherian Timeline Timeline
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Ritherian Timeline

Hatiresian Era

281 - 298

Ruling for 1 generation with King Maheren Hatires I, an oligarchic coup ended this brief Era, the shortest in Ritherian history.

  • 17 HE

    14 The Second Month of Dark
    26 HE

    19 The Third Month of Light

    The 'Great Oligarchy'
    Political event

    The first and only example of oligarchic rule in Ritheria.


Retrian Era

298 - 712

The longest running era to date, beginning with the Great Oligarchy of 298 - 307 before Acren Retrius I seized power as monarch, and ending with Acren Retrius V.

Raletresian Era

712 - 990

Beginning with Neissa Raletres I, a well-respected monarchy ending with Revlaine Raletres IV.

Ferivian Era

990 - 1,094

A particularly short running era, beginning with Revlaine Ferivius I and ending just over one hundred years later with Torien Ferivius I. There were just three rulers in this time.

Peric Era

1,094 - 1,388

Beginning with Tengrid Peric I, almost 300 years of tyrannical rule began, ending with the overthrow of Isotna Peric III.

  • 126 PE

    The Fourth Month of Light
    127 PE

    The Fourth Month of Dark

    The Foundation of Scavohla

    The foundation of the Ritherian peninsula colony of Scavohla.


Aressian Era

1,388 - present

Beginning from the reign of Restor Aressius I upon the overthrow of Isotna Peric III, the Aressian Era is the current era of Ritheria.

  • 121 AE

    The First Month of Light
    124 AE

    The Fourth Month of Light

    The Foundation of Resepe

    The foundation of the youngest of Ritheria's colonies.

  • 231 AE

    8 The First Month of Light
    231 AE

    15 The First Month of Light

    The Princess' Birth
    Cultural event

    The celebration of the birth of the King and Queen's first child and daughter.

  • 231 AE

    8 The First Month of Light
    231 AE

    8 The First Month of Light

    Emelia's Birth
    Life, Birth
  • 236 AE

    17 The First Month of Dark
    236 AE

    17 The First Month of Dark

    Oscar's Birth
    Life, Birth
  • 240 AE

    The Third Month of Dark
    241 AE

    The Third Month of Light

    The Ritherian Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The plague wiped out almost 10% of Ritheria, of which 97% were peasants.
