"Ginger" Baker Character in Far View | World Anvil
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"Ginger" Baker


Ancestry & Gender: Human Male
Location: Ginger's Baked Goods
Job: Far View's baker, part-time guardsman, and full-time drumming enthusiast.
Description: Although he was the town baker, most people knew him as "Ginger" for his mangled mass of red hair. Ginger, as was his wont, usually "announced" each start of his watch duty by hammering out a beat on the drum--he brought his dough pins to duty for this express purpose--that all of Far View could hear; many responded by absent-mindedly tapping their feet and snapping their fingers to the beat. For these lapses in good judgment, Ginger had been reprimanded many, many times.
Current Location
Current Residence
The Bakery


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