Druids Ethnicity in Fantasy Novel Setting WIP | World Anvil
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Druids (DROO-ihds)

The druids are a religious group all descended from the same region elsewhere (not on this continent). When the area they came from became too populous, they started sending groups outward, exploring new lands and bringing their faith to those they met.   While the uniting factor of the druids is their religion, not their ethnicity, nearly all are descended from that ancient other place. (They refer to the people they once were as The Ancients to differentiate.)


Average technological level

As a group, the druids are fairly comfortable living an agrarian lifestyle, working with the earth. They don't really seek major advancements, as they enjoy working with their hands. That doesn't mean they won't take plumbing and irrigation when they can get it, but it's not really a cultural dependency on technology.

Common Myths and Legends

The Times That Came Before (capitalized) refers to a wide array of tales of places the druids found or crossed through on their way to their current location; tales that are half oral history, half storyteller's wit. While the Druids (priests) seem to have a better understanding of what is actually historical fact, saved in their internal oral histories and lessons, most of the tales told as the earlier history of the druids have enough historical basis it's hard to tell how much is made up.

all over Eikeozoa and beyond

The Druid Faith

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