Immortal Realm Geographic Location in Fantasia | World Anvil
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Immortal Realm

A dilapidated hellscape that was once the timeless abode of Demons and Devils, now merged with the physical properties of the Mortal Realm, thereby disturbing the delicate ecosystem and metaphysical nature of the realm and destroying it. The Immortal Realm is on its proverbial last legs, unable to sustain itself after having been converted to reality as a result of the reforge brought upon by Astralshaper, consolidating all realms into one. As it stands, it is a desolate and depressive world populated by cataclysmic earth, shifting sands, fiery inferno, and frozen plains; whatever completely uninhabitable biome you can imagine exists somewhere within the land of Angels and Demons, dismantling itself from the inside-out. What's worse is that this integration was not a complete one, distorting the minds of mortals that dare entire its confines and warping memories beyond recognition of all within.    Denizens of the degrading regions that migrate to the Meridian can seldom recall with clarity the happenings of their Immortal home, the translation of time and space not quite matching; consequently, the realm is poorly documented and explored. Even the ageless races were not spared the wrath of the Evening Star, it also making a frequent appearance and bombarding the unfortunate survivors with lethal levels of particulate radiation with under-layer stratums five times as powerful as their Meridian counterparts. To date, there are ninty-six World Scars within the Immortal Realm, and that number is only increasing, essentially numbering the days of the world as it stands. Despite all this, DemonsDevils, Celestials, and Humans make their stand in the only city-state that remains, in addition to a Sintasian expansion, connecting in part to it's mirror in the Mortal Realm.
(The Crimson Viscera of Misdreg)

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