Spellbinderarium Settlement in Fallen Tolendra | World Anvil


Spellbinderarium, the city of the magi. Built outside the great labyrinth and tower of the archmage Spellbinder, it's purpose to conduct magical research and unlock the secrets of the tower. Spellbinderarium is much like any other town, it has the various businesses and industries of any city. Yet within the center square are the three towers of the Magi, the White, Grey and Black.   The White Tower is the most conservative of the three, taking time to research and examine every little facet and nugget of arcana that comes their way. The white magi may take in some cases years to figure out a spell or how an object was enchanted.   The Grey Tower magi while still cautious will not take years or even months. Instead they will perform enough research to safely use the knowledge they discover and then by trial and error learn more as best they can.    The Black Tower magi care nothing for research. They almost instantly play with the knowledge they find. A spell formula when found is cast without  any thought as to what it might do. The black  magi are the least in number of the school, however, they have gathered the most secrets in their explorations of Spellbinder's labyrinth and it is thought that one of them will be the first to reach the tower.   From all streets of Spellbindarium one can see the great tower of Spellbinder. It is thought to be the highest tower in the world. Unless there is a higher one in the uttermost East and the Land of the Blue Wizards. An estimated twelve hundred feet tall and half that in diameter. The tower sits in  the center of a vast labyrinth with a radius from the tower of twelve miles. The labyrinth is thought to be perhaps a living being or vast golem. If ever anyone attempts to enter by a means other than the gates, that person will be teleported to the exact opposite side of the labyrinth. Possibly ending up underground or underwater, perhaps falling from a great height. This zone seemingly a sphere where the tower is the center point.   Those who have entered the labyrinth and survived report that failing to solve the maze results in one being randomly teleported to another part of the labyrinth or ending back at the gate. Also the labyrinth is populated by those who gave up trying to navigate it and as such have formed little communities that are  highly aggressive if not predatory.    Who can say what might happen should one ever reach the tower or learn when exploring the secrets therein?


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Aug 7, 2022 17:03

Great history and details of the 3 towers and how they operate. I'd love to know who some of their most powerful wizards were and what discoveries they made. Or what famous people attempted the maze and what happened to them.