Fossilized Kranian bones Material in Fall of the Icarus (place holder) | World Anvil
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Fossilized Kranian bones (Kran-ian)

Kranians aren't known for leaving corpses behind and those that kill them don't either.  Some have said their bodies dissolve upon death and their essence returns to their dimension through the dimensional bleed rift.  So the claim of finding a fossilized bone of them that can be used for weapons is not easy to believe.  But near the remains of a dead star, there are countless amounts of them.  There are legends of this system saying it was full of thriving colonies and the star was not due to go nova for billions of years.  Then a dimensional bleed rift formed and the Kranians in response invaded the system worlds and caused the start to go nova and exploded quicker than it naturally would have causing the fossilization to occur.  Some said the nova was caused by one of the three mythical Celestial Kings.  Some said it was the King of Death, others the Void Lord, and none ever accused the Golem King (AKA the King of Life).     Many don't concern themselves about what might have caused it.  They are more concerned about the dangers of collecting the bones.  The radiation of the dead star was everywhere and was somehow different than radiation normally encountered.  Which made it difficult in strange ways.  Automated drones would malfunction randomly, ships start gravitating randomly further into the system.  There are wreckages of many ships in this system.  Whatever name it had before is lost to time.  Now it is only known as the Grand Grave system.   The fossilized bones themselves seem to not hold any radiation but when ground up, it is used as a component for energy clips for energy-based weapons.  These clips don't heat up as quickly, allowing the weapon to shoot more per clip, and giving it more damaging power.  Due to the difficulty of collecting the Fossilized bones, it was reserved for special units.  There are some that theorized that it might prove more effective in repelling Kranian invasions but no one has been able to find a Kranian to test it out and live to tell about it.


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