Chromatic Dragon Black Species in Faerun | World Anvil

Chromatic Dragon Black

Black dragons, also known as skull dragons,[8] were far and away the most vile tempered and cruel of all chromatic dragons. They were solitary creatures[9] that lived in the swamps and marshlands all around Toril, from the Flooded Forest in Sembia to the jungles of Chult.

Basic Information


Black dragons appeared abnormally slender in comparison to other chromatic dragons—wiry, but not gaunt. Physically, they were most distinguished by their horns, which protruded from the sides of their heads and wrapped around, projecting forward. A large frill adorned the upper part of the neck. They smelled like rotting vegetation and foul water. A black dragon grew up to a maximum size of 16 feet (4.9 meters) tall, 85 feet (26 meters) in length, with a wingspan of 80 feet (24 meters). They weighed up to 159,000 pounds (72,100 kilograms).[11]

Ecology and Habitats

Lair Black dragons lived in swamps, jungles and fetid marshlands.[10] They were cunning creatures who lived to inspire fear and rule by intimidation. The black, glossy scales of black dragons added to their camouflage within swamp lands. They preferred to ambush their targets, using darkness or water as their cover. They were excellent swimmers and often made their lairs in submerged caves or underground chambers near swamps or murky ponds. Their lairs always had two entrances: one underwater through the adjacent swamp or pond, and one above-ground, disguised amidst the undergrowth.[12]   Parenting & Development Female dragons took the lead when it came to breeding, choosing their mate largely based on the size of the hoard of prospective males. Because of this, male black dragons would often brag about their accumulated wealth to communicative creatures or others of their own kind, in the hopes that rumors of their hoard would spread to any females in the area that were looking to mate. When two or more females selected the same male as their partner, they would fight for dominance high in the air above the lair of the male, allowing him to gaze upon his future mate's victory in admiration.[9]   Black dragons were not noted as good parents, relying more upon disguise and hiding to protect their eggs than upon guarding them personally. Black dragon eggs must be submerged in strong acid while growing, which helped protect the dragon as well.[13] Black dragons would only protect their young so long as that responsibility didn't threaten their own life. If they had to choose between saving their own life or those of their clutch or spawn, they would most certainly choose the former; though they would assuredly seek revenge afterwards.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A black dragon's diet consisted of fish, mollusks, aquatic critters and some red meat from terrestrial animals.


Solitary and extremely territorial in their nature, black dragons would seldom form clans, opting to do so only when they lived in the most hazardous of environments or when faced with a danger that could wipe out large swaths of their population.


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