Yondalla Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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The Protector and Provider, The Nurturing Matriarch, The Blessed One

Those who seek to pattern their lives after the teachings of the Nurturing Matriarch will find themselves gifted with plenty of riches. These riches come not only as coin, but in warmth, comfort, love, and happiness. Family and unity are of the utmost importance, but halflings must remember that "family" is not limited only to their own parents and to their own children, for halflings are all the children of Yondalla.   The Yondallan priesthood serve important roles within their communities, both religious and secular. Because reverence to the Nurturing Matriarch is so tightly woven into halfling society, the priests focus less on leading periodic ceremonies, and more on providing guidance, blessings, and leadership within the towns and villages in which they live. It is not at all uncommon to find Yondallan clergy in governing roles, in addition to other community services like healers, midwifery, charity kitchens, and so on.   Yondallan temples are often mistaken by outsiders as secular community centers. The temples are frequent focuses of activities ranging from donation drives, to local theatre, children’s classes and events, to shelters for the homeless and infirm. In addition, small shrines of Yondalla are often set up along roadsides or near less-fortunate neighborhoods. At these shrines, those who have plenty will leave food and clothes, not as offerings to the goddess, but as donations to anyone who needs them. Anyone is welcome to take what they need from the shrines, even if they are not followers of the Nurturing Matriarch, because the Blessed One’s love extends to all who have goodness in their hearts.
Divine Classification
Life domain
Lawful Good


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