Vhaeraun Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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The Masked Lord, The Masked God of Night, The Shadow, The Masked Mage, The Lord of Shadow, Shadow Lord

The Masked God of Night steps from the shadows to take back his stolen birthright, a royal lineage stolen from him because he was born a ‘lesser’. He teaches that Lolth’s matriarchy must be smashed in order for all drow to live as equals. Once drow men and women stand on equal footing, only then can they reign supreme over the inferior races.   The priesthood of Vhaeraun is primarily, but not exclusively, male; female devotees tend to be a free-thinking sort who agree that degrading half of their race weakens all of their race. That being said, men tend to be the primary voices within the church. Empathy and cooperation are encouraged by the Vhaeraunian clergy more so than in any other aspect of drow society.   Because of their unpopular message, Vhaeraunian houses of worship tend to be small, often housing only a small fraction of their actual followers in any given locale. They endure constant harassment from Lolth-aligned houses and factions, with little protection by law enforcement.   Vhaeraun draws few followers from other races, simply because the views of equality and unity do not extend beyond the drow; the whole intent of the Shadow Lord is that once his people are equal and unified, they’ll be able to subjugate everyone else. That said, non-drow followers do exist, in the strangest of circumstances.
Divine Classification
Trickery and War domains
Chaotic Evil


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