Sumber Hills Geographic Location in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Sumber Hills

The Sumber Hills are an area of windswept badlands sparsely covered in dry grass. Much of the terrain features exposed rock faces or steep escarpments. Although the earth of the hills is arid, countless tiny streams rise from hidden springs (usually clean and drinkable water), then flow down through crevices in the slopes to join the Dessarin River, which bisects the hills.   Most locals think only of the larger, higher hills west of the river when they hear "Sumber Hills," because that area once boasted rich quarries and good hunting. Some hunting lodges and keeps owned by wealthy Waterdhavians and adventurers remain - and in recent years have become homes to bandits and monsters. Those who excavate the Sumber Hills for building stone and gravel often talk of finding gemstones and rich veins of ore in the hills - but for the most part, these persistent tales have never been anything but fiction.
Rolling Hills


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