Shiningbite Item in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Weapon (longsword, requires attunement)

This longsword, also known as “Drake’s Tooth” was the sword of Queen Gantharla Obarskyr of Cormyr during her time patrolling the Western Marches as leader of the foresters. The blade is a simple longsword, with an elegant hilt with two rear teeth of the dragon Eardynn set at the end of the crossguard. Shiningbite was used by the warrior-queen to defeat lizardfolk tribes in the Tun and Farsea marshes and slay two young dragons in the Storm Horns. The weapon was lost when she was slain in battle against a hill giant tribe in the Stonelands. Where the blade passed after Gantharla’s death remains a mystery.   You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Shiningbite. When you hit a creature of the dragon type with this weapon, it takes an extra 3d6 slashing damage.   Cormyrean Sword of State. A member of the Obarskyr family can attune to this weapon as a bonus action.


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