Shargaas Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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The Night Lord, the Blade in the Darkness, the Stalker Below

Orc worshippers claim the Blade in the Darkness holds dominion over The Night Below, a system of endless, pitch-black caverns, in the lowest layer of Gehenna. Darkness is a blessing of Shargaas, cloaking his devotees in the mantle of the night, that they might move with their god’s quickness and stealth to do what must be done. Theft, trickery, and assassination, are all within the realm of Shargaas’s blessing, and his dogma teaches his followers to remove weakness from orcish tribes, and eliminate all others.   New moons are days of Shargaan worship, and followers will take this time to sacrifice stolen items to him under the moonless night. The night of the winter solstice, as the longest night of the year, is considered especially holy.   Because of the secretive nature of the Shargaan faith, shrines are often small, and hidden in the darkest caverns. They are dark and unlit, decorated only in black and red, and often serve as a sanctuary to bats, the sacred animal of Shargaas.   Though half-orcs are welcome among the faithful, Shargaan dogma is rather clear about eliminating all other races. That being said, strength is paramount, and sufficiently stealthy and successful assassins of other races, can win the favor of Shargaas with enough hard work. Many Shargaan worshippers of other races adopt secular orcish practices as well, to make up for their ‘hereditary failings’.
Divine Classification
Trickery domain
Neutral Evil


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