Selvetarm Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Champion of Lolth, Thane of Lolth, the Spider That Waits, the Spider Demon, Prince of Aranea, Lord of the Venomire

The Champion of Lolth waits at the edge of his web, ever watching, guarding. He teaches drow to never give or receive quarter, for to be shown mercy is to be shamed. It is the highest hope to die in battle against overwhelming odds. To fight is the ultimate expression of power, and one’s life cannot truly be valued until it has burnt out.   Priests and followers of Selvetarm alike, are known as Selvetargtlin. Their clerical order is made up almost exclusively of men, though some women with a taste for bloodshed do join the temple. Though Selvetargtlin train in military combat to the highest degree, they typically do not enjoy positions of military power in drow society; their war-crazed god is considered distasteful, and their ways inferior, to the intellectual strategies employed by the drow military.   Ceremonies of Selvetarm are seldom held openly. In some cities, Selvetargtlin are not even legally allowed to worship their god directly. Instead, they must worship him as a servant of Lolth, under threat of execution for heresy at the hands of Lolth’s priestesses. Still, some celebrate The Assault of the Promenade on Nightal 20, remembering the attack Selvetarm led on Eilistraee’s most holy temple. Though the attack failed and Selvetarm was killed (albeit later resurrected), the glory of battle and bloodshed remains a highlight in the Selvetargtlin history books.
Divine Classification
War domain
Chaotic Evil


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