Orbyn Item in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Weapon (longsword, requires attunement)

“The Edge of Justice” is a longsword crafted for Duar Obarskyr by the High Wizard of Cormyr, Amedahast. Used to slay both the “Purple Dragon” Thauglorimorgorus and the pirate lord Magrath, Orbyn is one of the most powerful magical swords in all of Cormyr. It is a finely crafted longsword with intricate barely visible runes trailing up and down its blade. The sword is currently kept in the Shrine of the Four Swords in Cormyr’s Royal Court in Suzail and is used in the swearing of oaths and as the means of executing nobility found guilty of capital crimes. It is also used to detect falsehoods told in court, as its blade flashes with light if someone touching it tells a lie.   Orbyn grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll the target takes an additional 6d8 slashing damage. A creature slain by Orbyn cannot be brought back to life by any means short of a wish spell.   Cormyrean Sword of State. A member of the Obarskyr family can attune to this weapon as a bonus action.
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