Myrkul Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Lord of Bones, Old Lord Skull the Reaper, Lord of the Dead

The image of the reaper in Faerûn - a skeleton draped with black cloth - is thanks to Myrkul, the Lord of Bones. If the key to a happy career is loving what one does, Myrkul will have a long and successful legacy as one of the Dead Three. The deity has long enjoyed appearing as a cloaked reaper at graveyards, a swooping skull - anything to remind the mortals of the world that death is a grim and ever-present reality.   The Feast of the Moon marks Myrkulytes’ only calendar celebration, the Day the Dead are Most with Us. Followers of Myrkul believe all dead souls are close at hand on this day, seeking to write messages to their loved ones in subtle ways. Most other rites observed by Myrkul’s followers are funeral rituals, which temples charge a modest fee to perform as a means of supporting the faith.
Divine Classification
Death domain
Neutral Evil


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