Mielikki Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Our Lady of the Forest, the Supreme Ranger, Daughter of Silvanus

Though Silvanus might be master of nature’s overall pantheon, few would argue that Mielikki doesn’t hold a place of almost equal importance. Generally loved, Our Lady of the Forest holds the worship of clerics, rangers, and druids alike from all paths and races. Whether peaceful healers or zealous defenders of nature, all pay homage to the Forest Queen.   The most widely known calendar events of Mielikki are the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Feasts, which fall on the solstice and equinox dates each year. They are generous (and occasionally risqué) celebrations. During Greengrass and Midsummer, larger feasts occur and are sometimes accompanied by the Wild Ride, when the faithful are permitted to ride herds of unicorns across vast distances and see much of Mielikki’s domain before returning to the festivities.   Every four years at Shieldmeet, a new chosen of Mielikki is selected. Known as the Green Regent, this empowered worshipper occupies time with the preservation of the Delimbiyr Vale, said to be Mielikki’s most cherished location in the region of western Faerûn.   As a nature deity, most of Mielikki’s worshippers consist of clerics, rangers, and druids who reside in the forests of the world. In towns and settlements along wild frontiers, dedicated chapels or public shrines to the goddess are a common stopping point for those about to undertake a hunt or a journey through the wilds. Organized faithful partake in the Song of Trees at least once a month, calling forth dryads and treants to perform small tasks; clergy living in towns preach healthy respect for nature and encourage living in balance with civilization.
Divine Classification
Nature domain
Neutral Good


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