Ibratha Item in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Weapon (shortsword, requires attunement)

This leaf-shaped bronze shortsword made for Azoun I has been lost and recovered several times throughout the history of Cormyr. Also known as the “Mistress of Battles” and “the Warrior’s Fang”, Ibratha was lost during the Spellplague, when it was wielded by princess Jian in the battle that would take her life. No one known what happened to the blade, though the kingdom continues to search for the powerful weapon.   Ibratha grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. When you use the Dash action, you can fly during your movement on that turn. Ibratha has 3 charges. While you carry it you can use an action and expend 1 charge to cast mirror image or blink.   Cormyrean Sword of State. A member of the Obarskyr family can attune to this weapon as a bonus action.


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