Grumbar Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Boss of the Earth, Earthlord, Gnarley One, King of the Land Below the Roots

Grumbar is the god of earth, stone, and creatures of elemental earth. The Earthlord is timeless, patient and thoughtful, slow to act, and laconic in speech. However, once spurred to action the result is inevitable as his indomitable will grind all before it to gravel.   Followers of Grumbar are initiated into the faith with the Oath of Landwalking, a ritual where they vow to travel by air or sea in only dire circumstances. Those who violate the ritual-promise are quick to pray for forgiveness from the Earth Lord.   Festivals are held on Midwinter to celebrate the previous year and decide plans for the new one. These plans can’t be changed once decided, reflecting the Grumbarryn resistance to quick change.   Many temples are hidden in the Spine of the World mountain range in the north and numerous other ranges. They are usually found in natural caverns, not constructed buildings.   Sects of Grumbarryn are organized into ‘holds,’ consisting of seven specialty priests or clerics, seven monks, and seven crusaders leading as many common worshippers as can be supported. These holds usually have a shared view or alignment and are primarily concerned with fulfilling the objectives laid out during Midwinter.
Divine Classification
Knowledge domain


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