Arvoreen Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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The Defender, The Vigilant Guardian, The Wary Sword

The small folk aren’t famed for their ability to go to war. Their habits tend towards more homely activities, often involving their very large families. Despite all that, halflings still have a need to protect their communities, and those who do this act often give prayers to Arvoreen.   Followers of Arvoreen are as stoic and dour as the god himself. Often mocked by other halflings for being more akin to a dwarf than anything, the Trueswords are the first and last line of defense in most halfling communities.   Trueswords lead a Ceremony of Remembrance that occurs during the feast of the moon, helping communities remember and honor those who have perished protecting their communities. Reports of spirits even returning during these events to visit the living aren’t uncommon.   Temples to Arvoreen are few, with the followers of the watchful god preferring to be always ready. Most halfling barracks hold an icon to the god for pre-battle prayers.
Divine Classification
War domain
Lawful Good


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