Amaunator Character in Faerûn | World Anvil
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The Keeper of the Eternal Sun, the Light of Law, the Yellow God, At’ar the Merciless

Amaunator is the god of the sun and law. He is worshipped as an implacable and often uncaring deity dedicated to the status quo, order, bureaucracy, and the harsh ever-present sun. The Yellow God has been slain, but he always returns, much as the sun rises after each night. The sun is eternal, consistent, and unrelenting, as are the earthly laws modeled from its example.   The signing of the Pantheon Contour is celebrated on the third full moon of the year, this festival commemorates the signing of an agreement between powers that were overseen by Amaunator. To celebrate Amaunator’s wisdom and judgment, Amaunatori dress in judicial clothes and parade through the streets. They take care to stop and celebrate in front of court buildings.   Amaunatori see the Summer Solstice as essential for their deity to continue providing light and warmth to the world. Despite its importance, the Amaunatori celebrate it with relaxation as well as prayer. Sunbathing and time outside in the sunlight are common activities.   There are few surviving major centers of worship for Amaunator. Many of Amaunator’s priests are fond of casting continual flame atop their heads, causing some simple tribes or people to refer to such clergy as “lightened ones.”
Divine Classification
Life and Light domains
Lawful Neutral


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