The Fields of the Dead in Faerûn | World Anvil
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The Fields of the Dead

Location: Stretching across the Western Heartlands, the Fields of the Dead is located directly east of Baldur's Gate and to the north of the River Chionthar. It borders the Wood of Sharp Teeth to the south and the Trollbark Forest to the east.
  Brief History: The Fields of the Dead, as its morose name suggests, is a landscape forever scarred by countless battles. The earth here has been soaked in the blood of warriors from myriad tribes, kingdoms, and empires. Ancient barrows and graves dot the landscape, remnants of long-forgotten conflicts.
  Geography and Features: Primarily a vast grassland, the Fields of the Dead is interspersed with rolling hills, occasional patches of woods, and countless burial mounds. Noteworthy sites include:
  Boareskyr Bridge: A historical landmark where the famed battle between Cyric and Bhaal, two of the Dead Three, took place.
  Barrow of the Ogre King: A massive mound, believed to be the resting place of an ancient and powerful ogre monarch.
  Flora and Fauna: While the Fields might first seem lifeless, it's home to a range of grassland creatures, from hares and foxes to larger predators like lions and dire wolves. However, given the region's history, it's not uncommon to encounter undead — restless spirits and skeletons that roam under the moonlight.
  Local Inhabitants: Nomadic tribes occasionally traverse the Fields, and settlers on its fringes farm and raise livestock. However, many avoid the region, especially at night, due to its haunting reputation. The brave or desperate might venture in search of ancient relics buried alongside the dead, but many do not return.
  Recent Events (leading up to 1494 DR): While the Fields of the Dead have been relatively calm in the past few decades, their strategic location has always made them a ground of contention. Rumors speak of dark cults conducting unholy rituals amidst the barrows, seeking to harness the power of the long-dead for insidious purposes. Moreover, the proximity to Baldur's Gate means that the city's affairs often spill over, be it merchants crossing the Fields or military maneuvers anticipating threats.
  Conclusion: The Fields of the Dead stand as a somber reminder of the cyclical nature of conflict and the price of ambition. While the winds whisper tales of heroism and tragedy, the ever-present mounds bear witness to the countless souls who met their end on this vast battleground.

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