Bronze Dragon Species in Faerûn | World Anvil

Bronze Dragon

Bronze dragons are inquisitive and righteous creatures that inhabit coasts, shipwrecks, underwater, and other wet areas. They are recognised by their bronze scales (the shade of which changes depending on their age), a ribbed and fluted crest on their head, webbed feet, and smooth scales. Like other dragons, they are capable of a breath attack - a line of lightning or cone of repulsion breath.
3,800 years
Average Height
4 ft. (wyrmling)
7 ft. (young)
12 ft. (adult)
16 ft. (ancient)
Average Weight
320 lbs (wyrmling)
2,500 lbs (young)
20,000 lbs (adult)
160,000 lbs (ancient)
Average Length
16 ft. (wyrmling)
31 ft. (young)
55 ft. (adult)
85 ft. (ancient)


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