Watchful Order of Magists & Protectors Organization in Faerun | World Anvil

Watchful Order of Magists & Protectors

This guild protects the less-powerful wizards (and novices to the Art) of Waterdeep, and attempts to influence the powerful loners (wizards outside the guild) of magical power in the city (such as Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun and Maaril) to be prudent and conservative, wielding magic little in public, so that mages will be respected and looked up to, rather than feared and actively opposed. Guild activities have little effect on the city’s more powerful wizards who are not guild members and who do what they like anyway (although Khelben’s quiet support in its early years allowed the Order to establish itself). They are effective in policing mages of low- and mid-levels who visit the city, in matters of not throwing spells around to influence the populace, and respecting colleagues of all power levels.
The membership gains great benefits through the Order:
  • Members can readily communicate with fellow members to arrange training and buy magical information with assurances that they are not dealing with charlatans (the Order will expel and publicly vilify members who practice deceit on fellow members).
  • Members can readily purchase rare material components (such components are not cheap, but the time necessary to procure them personally is saved) from the golem-guarded cellars of the Tower of the Order. (DMs should invent some heavy-duty magical guardians and traps for this place if PCs assault it, culminating in personal appearances by the Lady Master of the Order, Laeral, and perhaps one or more mages of high level. In other words, PCs should have to run for their lives!) Member and nonmember adventurers can make fairly good money by selling materials to the Order, but they won’t buy overpriced or overstocked substances.
  • Members can purchase magical items and scrolls here, at expensive prices; they can also get items recharged for a
  • fee.
  • Members short of cash can earn ready money by serving as fire guards, spell guards, or firefighters.
  • Assets

    Entrance: 35 gp; majority vote of the members
    Dues: 7 gp/month
    Guild, Mages
    Notable Members


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