Mithril Material in Faerun | World Anvil


Mithril is also known as Mithral, Truemetal and Moonsteel. It is especially prized by elves and dwarves who are both experts in smelting and working mithril.


Material Characteristics

Mithril is a pure, silvery-blue, shining metal.

Physical & Chemical Properties

  • Mithril is the lightest and most supple of metals hard enough to be used in the making of armor. It is astonishingly resilient.
  • Can be enchanted to make the most powerful of items
  • Items of mithril often glimmers slightly in the presence of moonlight.
  • Very resistant to corrosion.
  • Compounds

    Mithril is rarely used in alloys, although it is sometimes mixed with steel.

    Geology & Geography

    Deposits are scattered in small veins and pockets all over Faerûn, but concentrated mostly in the easternmost lands of the Sword Coast North (such as beneath Mithril Hall and scattered beneath the High Forest).

    Origin & Source

    This ore is a soft, silvery-black ore.

    Life & Expiration

    Mithril is a stable element.

    History & Usage

    Everyday use

    Mithril is used to make fine jewelry, quality armor (usually mail), and excellent weaponry.

    Cultural Significance and Usage

    Mines are usually under the control of wary elven or dwarven clans.

    Industrial Use

    Mithril is usually used pure. It can be alloyed with a small amount of steel without diminishing its special properties. The famous elven chain mail, a northern elven specialty and semi-secret, uses small amounts of precious mithril alloyed with quality steel to give strength and flexibility to the fine chain links.


    Mithril ore is silvery-black and only elves and dwarves have the knowledge to reliably smelt pure mithril from the ore.

    Manufacturing & Products

    The most common uses for mithril are weapons, armor, and fine jewelry


    Trade & Market

    Mithril is not commonly traded or sold. Items made from mithril are sometimes found on the market for approximately 250x similar items made of steel.


    Mithril requires no special storage, however, as a rare and valuable item it is frequently stored in secure locations.

    Law & Regulation

    There are no common laws or regulations regarding the usage or distribution of mithril.


    31.25 gp/lb (250x price of steel)
    Boiling / Condensation Point
    5000° F
    Melting / Freezing Point
    2700° F
    5.90 g/cm3 (75% the weight of steel)
    Common State
    Mithril is usually found as a silvery-black ore.
    Related Items


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