Effyurrel Settlement in Ezoeran | World Anvil
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The largest settlement in the Dark Forest, Effyurrel is proof that savages are not the only inhabitants of the jungle, and serves as a hub for some of the many tribes that live and travel in the Dark Forest. Also known as the City in the Sky, the settlement protects itself by hanging suspended in the treetops. Rather than being a single, true city or town, it would be most accurate to describe Effyurrel as a sprawling series of interconnected minor hamlets. Its existence is thought perhaps to be an urban legend by those outside of the Dark Forest, but for residents of the forest, it is considered a watering hole - a place where all peoples may gather in peace.


Though Effyurrel isn't the largest of settlements, members of Effyurrel come from all over the Dark Forest. Some are ancient clans, while others are newer bands of unfortunate souls who decided to brave the forest or explore its beauties, and instead became permanent residents. In other words, while all Sky Folk are humans, their attributes vary widely. Some have tamed wyverns for generations, others are explorers from far-off kingdoms. There is no single way to define them.


There isn't really a single definitive government that exists in Effyurrel. Instead of true rules and a way of enforcing them, there are several unspoken agreements. A single wandering tribe will only take up a certain amount of space and not stay too long unless they build their own new sections of the settlement, and generally it is considered taboo to steal from or harm a member of the tribe while they stay in the settlement. Food and water is generally shared and communal meals are commonly held and welcome for all visitors to join, though it is expected that anyone who stays for more than a few days contribute to the food supply if they take part in these communal meals.


Surrounded, as it is, by the most dangerous animals in the world, many of which can navigate the treetops, it is essential that the settlement be able to defend itself, not from humans, but from the feral creatures of the wild. They manage it by lacing their platforms with poison-tipped spikes, making openings too small for the larger predators, and reinforcing their structure walls and roofs constantly both in pure thickness, and with potions, some of which are poisonous, some of which are laced with disgusting smells, and other things repellent to the majority of creatures living in the woods. Stables for tamed wyverns do not possess some of these defenses, but wyverns really rarely need to be protected, particularly when there's a pack of them. Few creatures are stupid enough to attack a pack of wyverns, and those that do could never pose a real threat to those wyverns.

Industry & Trade

Considering a good portion of the population is transient, the people living there do not bother harvesting much of anything, whether it be farming or raising animals. Instead, the civilization is mostly comprised of hunter-gatherers. Industry is a rare sight in this area, and most trade is done between differing residents of the Dark Forest for the rare specific goods found in different parts of the forest, or pieces of art, clothing, and weaponry specific to a culture.


It is thought by those outside of the Dark Forest that because the wood is useless, it would be almost impossible to build proper structures in the Dark Forest, but the builders of Effyurrel have managed to construct platforms in the trees by instead using thick vines and ground-growing fronds and ferns, winding them around pre-existing branches of the stronger trees, and reinforcing them many times. The strength of these platforms is so great and so often reinforced and tested that even when a tree a part of this network dies, it stays standing through. They have also managed to create a sort of "bucket system" to draw freshwater from the lake without having to actually put oneself in danger approaching the lake (though this bucket system is wrecked often enough to need lots of maintenance).


The history of the settlement is not well-known as there exists almost no written record concerning the creation of it, particularly as the residents are so mobile. What is known is that it has existed for a very long time, was built by innovators, and has most likely never been attacked by humans.


Buildings are somewhat crude and largely made up of the same things the platforms are made of: thick vines, fronds, and ferns, though these are also coated with waterproof tinctures made from insect wax and plant products. They do not have a specific shape, as, just like with the platforms themselves, many of them rely on the preexisting branches.


Effyurrel is located next to one of the large lakes in the Dark Forest, in the less densely populated area of trees surrounding the lake. It is built in the upper layer of the trees not far below the thickest portion of the foliage. It is difficult for people to access if they don't know how, and well-fortified against the numerous dangerous beasts that live in the forest.

Natural Resources

As expected of the Dark Forest, the greatest assets of the village are its fruits, potions, and some of the commodities they create from the bones and skin of their prey. This includes weapons, tools, and accessories that are known to be artfully crafted, but are not particularly popular for people outside the Dark Forest.
Alternative Name(s)
The City in the Sky
Inhabitant Demonym
Sky Folk
Location under

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