Session 2: Report in Ezerus | World Anvil

Session 2:

General Summary

The session started off at the Ræthran family crypt, the devil known on the material plane as Ulvon had been slain and turned into nothing more than a pile of ashes... The party then proceeded to return young Wilhelm back to his parents. During the night each character too turns to keep watch. During Vimal's watch, he spotted a body strewn across the moors behind the house, which upon further inspection appeared to be Alan Ræthran. Vimal proceeded to move the body closer to the house, later that night during Avea's watch, she treated the body and took it over to the crypt, ready for the burial in the morning. The following day 10th of Warmtide, Avea organised a funeral for Alan at the family crypt in the morning, the party was paid 400 gold in total, and Avea was out of a job. So off the party went to the local village of Lenswarde where they had a quick look around and found The Reliable Shop, filled with all sorts of junk and general knickknacks, Raunfre ended walking away with a magical ring and a slightly enchanted bronze key.  The party then later went to explore and investigate the Oak Tree Chappel, a small group of worshipers to the God of Oak Trees.

Rewards Granted

100 gp per character.

Missions/Quests Completed

Ræthran Manor is safe. For the time being...
Report Date
07 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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