Eleonora Jorgensen Character in Eydraumr | World Anvil

Eleonora Jorgensen

Lorekeeper Eleonora Jorgensen (a.k.a. Nora)

A librarian during the day and a collector of mystical knowledge the rest of the time. Intelligent, well dressed, troubled past.

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Nightmare Spirits, Hangovers & Dates

Entry 211010  
  • Woke up with a hangover. Past me was kind enough to drink at least some water, so it's not as bad as it could have been. Aldis slept over at my place.
  • Rowan didn't wake me up for working out like he had been. I went to check on him. He's been drinking again. I worry about him, but I don't know what I can do to help him. I wish he would talk to me about things, but I think he feels like he would be burdening me with it. He helps me a lot, I wish he would let me help him.
  • My mom keeps texting me. She said my trunk was open and she left me lunch. Normally I feel like I'm an afterthought at best- it's uncomfortable to be on the focus of her attention. She's.. Intense at the best of times and I can't say I enjoy being on the receiving end of that. But perhaps if she's focused on me, it means she won't be running off into the mountains to try and summon my father from whatever she thinks he vanished into?
  • My trunk latch is broken. Someone broke into it for some reason. It doesn't seem like anything is missing- I try not to keep anything important in my car anyways- but my mom did leave my lunch pail from when I was a kid in there.
  • Aldis and I watched The Phantom Menace before she left on her meeting thing. I hope she enjoys herself. She needs more friends who aren't us or the people from Oak Arbor she keeps talking about. She borrowed some of my clothes before she left.
  • I texted with Baptiste. I... think I have a date. It's been a while. I wonder if I would have gone through with it if he was going to be here longer than a week. Maybe even if nothing comes of it, it will be good for me to, I dunno, do some normal non-lore keeper things. (If I don't have a library, am I even that anyways?)
  • Aldis and Brenna came over after Aldis's brunch meeting was over. Brenna spoke about seeing a spirit that was pretending to be her brother. It hounded her, making it difficult to sleep. It wanted her to go after the serpent.
  • Gunnar came over shortly after and said his shadow had been acting strangely and he hadn't been able to sleep. I brought up that it was strange they had a run in with a nightmare spirit and the next night they had nightmarish things happening to them. I asked Aldis to watch over them tonight- someone needed to make sure something didn't happen to them.
  • Mr Sinclair came to my door. He told me he saw someone large break into my trunk. I'll have to look into that. He also seems to think I'm sleeping with Aldis and Brenna, so I expect that rumor to be circulating soon.
  • Baptiste and I went to Moonstruck. It was nice. I wish it could have lasted a little longer, but Aldis broke down the door to the bathroom, which Brenna was in for some reason? Brenna was distressed. Baptiste talked the restaurant staff down and calmed the scene (I wish I was half as good with dealing with people). We got Brenna and Aldis out of there.
  • Baptiste took Brenna and I drove Aldis to the hotel he was staying at. I talked to Aldis- they had planned to watch us and then tease me later, which is kind of strange, but I can understand the sentiment. I don't care for being spied on, however harmless they intended things to be. Gunnar had taken off from the restaurant and Aldis had gotten hurt- I hope he's alright.
  • After we got to the hotel, I used magic to try and find Gunnar. He was driving and looked... robotic. He was in a silver Corolla with a bunch of old fast food container inside. I didn't get any additional information.
  • We sat at the pool trying to think of our next steps. Baptiste made yakemein. It was nice- certainly better than anything I could ever make. He told us he knew about our world- which is a weight off my shoulders I suppose- and that we could talk to him if we needed.
  • Brenna did something with a spell? I'm not sure what she was trying to do- perhaps something akin to astral projection- but it wasn't going to end well. It was like she was ripping her own soul out. I jumped in the pool to get closer and cast a spell to help. I think I helped but... I felt her soul. There's power there. I could lie and say that there was no temptation there but the only one I'd be lying to is myself. That's not a road I ever want to go down again, but lately I can feel myself slipping. I want to be better, but I'm not sure what that means any more. Is it something that's even possible for me or am I just doomed to fail?
  • Aldis, Baptiste and I took Brenna to Baptiste's room and had a talk. We need to make sure we are smarter and more communicative with each other in the future. No more casting unknown spells, no taking off without let someone know. We almost died last time and Brenna almost died today. We have to work better than this or worse is going to happen. I don't plan on dying soon and I don't want my friends to die.
  • Baptiste and I had breakfast before he drove me home. It was lovely- I wish their had been less chaos around the whole night. He's... just so nice. I wonder if he would like me if he really got to know me.
  • Rowan drove up the to building as we got there. He was drunk. I'm worried he's going to hurt himself if he keeps this up. I don't want to lose him. Baptiste helped me get him to his apartment and taken care of. And he still wants to see me later after that? Which is baffling to me. Perhaps he's a little crazy like everyone else I know- a sane person would have run for the hills by now. I know I have a lot of baggage. Is it really fair for someone to have to deal with it all?
  • Personal Notes Part II

    Entry 210905  
  • My mom came to the library shortly after I realized I couldn't get into the lorebrary. I have a feeling she might have something to do with this, given her ability to enter at will, but I don't have any proof of that- after all, I'm still not sure why or how it happened. I will have to investigate. Shortly after she left, Rowan arrived. He was also baffled by the door not working- no surprise there- but also came to the conclusion that my mom might have had something to do with it. We did some brain storming- mostly likely the defense wards have been activated, putting it into a sort of lock-down mode. It's possible that someone is in there, as it would be difficult to get out, but I suppose if anyone could get out, it would be my mother. I need to figure out a way to find out what she knows.
  • I'm not sure who I am without the lorebrary. Everything about me and my life has revolved around it in one way or another. My ties in the community are tenuous as it is, I don't think this is something I should let get out. But also, what's keeping me on this island without it? (Beside Rowan, I'm sure if I left I could convince him to come with me.)
  • Gunnar texted me, saying they were going bar hoping. That seems like a poor way to continue working on a path to sobriety, but I'm not sure I have it in me to care right now. He's my friend and I love him, but I can only focus on so many things at once. He said that if I wanted to come, I should meet them at The Thundercloud. Syr works there. It's probably a bad idea to go. I shouldn't go.
  • I went.
  • I met up with Aldis, Gunnar, and Brenna. Gunnar introduced us to Baptiste. He's familiar for some reason. He seems nice. I'm not incapable of seeing when someone is flirting with me, I'm just honestly never sure of how to handle that. It takes a lot for me to open up with people, and I have a difficult time being interested back in anyone before I know them. And I'm not good with people. Makes things complicated.
  • Syr's dancing at our table. I am not drunk enough to deal with this.
  • We played a game asking each other questions. Baptiste seems seems insightful and better with dealing with people than I'll ever be. I think I saw him on Jeopardy.
  • syr took me dancing and I drank alot. Aldis danced too. I kind of miss this but I also kind of dont. Rowan might be upset if he hears about this. why do I have to worry about everything all the time and why do I have to be resposble all the time for things? I don't think its fair. Everyone is so nice right now it would be nice if everyone was nice all the time but I know that it wont last
  • Gunnar and brenna said they meet a nightmare spirit named ponyo (like the movie with the fish?) He can teleport and other stuff. thats interesting NOTE TO SELF: WATCH PONYO WITH ALDIS i dont know if i want to meet a nightmare spirit, I have enough nightmaes which is why I dont sleep as much as i should
  • they said that syr and skal are probaly doing bad things. its probaly true which is sad i wanted them to change because i want to think that people can change because I want to think that I've change but sometimes i still want to do bad things but i know i shouldn't and it would make rowan sad.
  • we got tea I got oolong.
  • Bapiste is nice. How old is he? I still dont know if he knows about the kind of things i know about so i probably shouldnt say anything, got to be careful, people dont need to know about the weird stuff because most of it is bad and it hurts people and i dont want to make this nice man have to see that stuff if i can do that (i dont think im a nice person but its nice if he thinks so for a little bit, but he probably wouldnt like me if he knew) He gave me his number.
  • Brenna is worried about Aldis and me getting home but I dont live far away and if anyone tried anything, Aldis could punch them and I could curse their dick probably
  • Syr texted me. I'll text back later.
  • Im gonna drink more water before bed, im drunk but id like to hate myself less in the morning
  • Personal Notes Part I

    Entry 210829  
  • Got home from the adventure in the woods. Brenna went with Halstein. Gunnar went with his uncle but planned to meet back at my place. Aldis and I went back to my apartment, ordered food and started up Star Wars.
  • Got in the shower after Rowan and Gunnar both showed up. I got a text from Skal. He wanted me to meet up for a memorial for Jeanette. I have conflicting feelings about this.
  • Gunnar and Rowan predictably had an argument while I was in there. While I should have seen this coming, I really don't think I should have to oversee their every interaction. I talked to the both of them- Gunnar is more interested in mending the relationship between them than Rowan is. I don't think this is anything I can fix, but I really wish I could. Hopefully things can get better between them. Gunnar also wanted to try and hook Rowan up with his friend which is kind of funny, and I'm honestly not sure how to respond to that.
  • I told Gunnar about Skal and Jeanette. He told me going was probably a stupid thing, which was fair.
  • Gunnar told me that his shadow isn't a family thing, something he had thought before. His uncle said something about a parasite- We will be doing research on the creature to find out more about it. Maybe then we can figure out a way to proceed.
  • I went back inside and told Rowan about Skal... it didn't go well. I knew that was going to be the case, but it was probably better than keeping it a secret. I told Skal I wasn't going. It was the right thing to do, but... It still feels bad.
  • Got a text from my mom, decided I probably should check on her. Yet another personal interaction that went poorly. I told her about the draugr. I don't know why. Maybe I wanted her to feel proud of me for once, about something? I should have known better. Why do I even try? She's not well and I've never been the person she wanted me to be. I don't fit her picture of a perfect daughter, never have. The person I am doesn't matter: only who she thinks I should be. I'm tired.
  • The door doesn't work. I can't get in. I don't know what to do. I've never read any notes about this happening to anyone else, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. I'd look into that more if I could get it. I can't even ask anyone about this because there is no one to ask! It's just me: the biggest failure ever to grace the face of this gods damned earth.
  • Forests, Ogres, and Bad Choices

    Entry 210721  
  • Aldis and Gunnar caught up with me after they spoke with Cassandra and Michael. The child had been marking out his 'club house' with the symbol. Aldis had taught him a new symbol for him to use, so hopefully we won't have an further problems on that front.
  • We went back to the main island to pick up supplies and meet up with Brenna at Gattarhlid.
  • We spent some time circumnavigating the entrance of the park to avoid the rangers. Since most of the any housing developments would be closer to the south side of the forest, we decided to start there and make our way north. Hopefully we might be able to find Michaels 'hideout' and deal with the markings before trying to deal with whatever creatures they had attracted.
  • I think something might be following us.
  • [The next few pages are water stained, the ink slightly burry] It started raining, because of course it did.
  • Aldis and Brenna seemed upset with something. Granted, we are in a monster infested forest during a rainstorm but I think it's deeper than that.
  • Aldis lead us down some deer trails to a cave with an old door on it. She said that it reminded her of home... I feel a little bad that I haven't had enough time to work with her on research, but honestly, where does one begin? I feel like I could find more information on time travel in the Science Fiction section of the public library.
  • I got a better idea of what was following us. It's big. At least 15 feet tall. That could be a problem.
  • We talked inside the cave. The creature knows we are in here, but is probably too big to get us in here. It's a waiting game at the moment.
  • Brenna said the creature was a Ku'kwes. A massive ogrelike being with claws and a bear head. It eats people but will eat other animals as well. She got the impression that there were two- a mated pair. The last thing this island needs is baby man eating monsters running about the forest. Luckily they are particularly stupid, so hopefully we can have at least one advantage.
  • Gunnar told the others about his shadow, which frankly, I'm glad I'm not having to keep that particular secret close to the chest. We hatched a plan to have his shadow take one of the two way radios so we make noise into it and lure them away. We knew Gunnar wouldn't be able to keep it up forever, and the creature might pick up on the ruse if we weren't quick enough, so we made our way out of the cave.
  • They found us. Had to fight and run. Everyone got hurt. Ran out of options. I didn't have much choice. I hate how happy it made me. The spell was lovely. It worked It hurt my friends. I shouldn't feel happy. The creatures are dead. They're safe from the monsters. Are they safe from me? Brenna told me to kill the second one. She said she could bear the pain. I shouldn't have given her the option. I hurt them. I can't take that back. I can't fix this. I should never be that happy. It only brings bad things. I deserve what I have and no more. I can't do that again. I shouldn't do that again. No more. Will they forgive me? I wouldn't begrudge them if they didn't. Maybe some people just shouldn't be around other people.
  • Plans, Field Trips, and Runes

    Entry 210718  
  • After a while of debate, we decided that Aldis, Gunnar and I would look into the markings at Oak Arbor while Brenna looked into any rumors she could dig up. Gunnar and Aldis left together while Brenna and I worked on putting together a display of books by native authors, at least to use for a reason on why Brenna was there, should a noisy officer starts asking questions.
  • I had a dream. A man with silver blue eyes and wild hair stared at me. I wonder how little sleep a person could run off of. I guess I'll find out. There are probably scientific studies, but looking those up wouldn't be fun. Time for more coffee.
  • I headed to Oak Harbor early in the morning. I texted Gunnar but he wasn't up yet. I went and got coffee while I waited which might have been a mistake.
  • Gunnar caught up with me and we went to get Aldis, but it seemed she had already headed out- I probably should have got in contact with her earlier, but honestly, her phone is awful and I don't trust it half the time. I guess I should start just messaging her and hope for the best from now on. I called her, she said she was out opposite of where we were? Which? I don't know what that means. Gunnar said he had a trick to track people down and promptly passed out as his shadow.. took off I suppose? I really need to talk to him to see if he has gained any information about what that thing actually is.
  • Once Gunnar came to, we headed towards where he said he saw Aldis. He also explained thing in a strange way... I think this is something else that requires further discussion. I don't know how much information I might be able to find for him, but maybe we should both find time to work together on this.
  • The marks were around the perimeter of the forest. We found wrappers for candies that... were the same kinds left in my library. It's obvious that that kid was doing it. Gunnar and Aldis went to see if they could get some information from Cassandra and her kid... I wasn't willing to deal with that a second time- besides, it would look bad- So I decided to take care of the marks on the trees.
  • Karens, Police, and Bears

    Entry: 210627  
  • Arrived at the library to see a Cassandra screaming at Kirk. Her kid was the one that went downstairs during my very unlucky day. Out of all the people, it had to be her kids. She's still as awful as the last time I had run in with her. She left, saying she was going to talk to the police and the mayor. I have a feeling she does this a lot. Hopefully they are sick of her and her antics.
  • Found a drawing of a rune near the front desk. It was the same rune I had seen on the day the library door was opened- on it's own, not tied to the other runes in it's sequence, it attracts creatures towards it. I am worried about the implications of this.
  • Rowan called. He and my mom are heading back. They didn't find the place my mother was looking for (go figure), and he talked her out of searching the whole mountain range. I'm glad they'll be back soon and that nothing bad happened. It's a load off my shoulders.
  • Officer Frederick Pedersson showed up asking questions. Turns out Cassandra did report it, if it was anyone other than him there probably wouldn't be much follow through on this. He asked a lot of questions not relating to the situation earlier- questions about Brenna and Gunnar, about the school, about things I have done. I don't like being watched and spied on. I don't think I was able to assuage him of his sessions. I might have to deal with that somehow. He also told me that one of... the people I ran with in high school, Jeanette Nannasdottir, has died. That they think she hung herself in a dockside warehouse, but he doesn't think so. I... Don't know what to think. Even though it wasn't good or healthy for, well, any of us, we were all very close during those times and... I'm sad to hear that she is gone, even if I have been purposefully keeping my distance. I think I need time to process this- but I doubt I'll get it.
  • Aldis and Gunnar called me. They were out in the woods as saw some things. A giant bear, a person torn in half, and markings on trees. I told them to come to the library but to park in the back and I'd let them in from the employee entrance. I'm sure Officer Pedersson is spying on me and he doesn't need to know my business. I unfortunately didn't tell Brenna that. She came in the front and was indeed watching us. If he keeps it up, I might have to file a complaint for harassment against him. I wish he'd leave me alone.
  • The markings on the trees were the one I found near the front desk. Someone is orchestrating this. The markings were found near Oak Arbor and the attacks happened near Gattarhild. Cassandra lives in Gattarhild and works near Oak Arbor... Could she have something to do with this?
  • Miscellaneous Notes Part II

    Entry 210620  
  • Looked through the library to find a suitable object to use for a viewing spell. When I found none, I went back to look at my family home. I found that my mother had not been home in some time. I found a book on magical travel and a map marking Djöfulsinshrygg Basin. It seems my mom had come to the conclusion that she could travel to the plane of dreams by creating a new spell and travelling through planes in places where the gaps in reality are thinner... I have a feeling she made her way out there, I hope she didn't get herself killed or injured. Rowan isn't answering my calls- I hope he's okay, and if he's okay I hope he calls me back soon. I know he's upset but... he should know about this.
  • Called Brenna to see if she was willing to help. She said she busy. Aldis didn't answer. I don't know what I expected. I guess it's only good to have me around when I'm solving other people's problems.
  • Ran into Gunnar at the quick mart. He was cashiering and completely drunk. He offered to help but... I don't think he's in a place to. Dragging a drunk person into the woods seems like a bad idea, no matter how capable the drunk person. I do appreciate the offer though. At least one person cares, even if I can't rely on him right now.
  • Ran back to my place. Rowan had left a note. He went with my mom to the mountains. He said he'd keep a GPS tracker on, I can track them from my computer. I'm not sure what to do now. Do I follow them? Do I keep an eye on the tracker and head out when something looks wrong? If something goes wrong I could lose all that is left of my entire family all at once. I... Don't know what to do.
  • I used a spell to check in on Rowan. They seemed to be be doing... alright. He dispelled my scrying magic and shattered my mirror. I'll keep an eye out on them, but I'll keep a bag ready to go, just in case.
  • Aldis called me back. I didn't tell her about what was going on, but she seemed to know that I was upset. We went to the movies. It's nice to do something normal.
  • Skal called me. Said he wanted to hang out and catch up. Why did he call me now? I don't want to revisit that time of my life now.
  • Made a journal for Lena. She seemed to like it.
  • Met up with Skal. He asked me on a date. That was... unexpected. He showed me a tattoo he had of an imp, and summoned the imp from his skin which was... I don't know how to feel about that. I'm conflicted. Our relationship has baggage. Is it hypocritical for me to want people to give me a second chance and to be hesitant to do the same for him? I'd like to think I've grown, why couldn't he? On the other hand, if I trust him again it's a mistake to do so, can I ever recover from that?
  • Miscellaneous Notes Part I

    Entry 210613  
  • After that... vision, I found myself in the center of the festival grounds. Whatever I saw, it had happened here. (TO DO: Research any historical tragedies in this part of town. Is this a thing that actually happened, or something my mind is making up?) I made my way towards the edge of town. I made the mistake of agreeing to have my fortune read and my fortune scared away the poor girl. I hardly remember what she even told me. Just... more of the same.
  • Gunnar caught up with me, he helped me find my way to Rowan who was not in a good place. After we talked for a bit, I took him back to my place. Not sure where Gunnar went off too. Rowan and I watched some bad movies before falling asleep on the couch. I hope Rowan will be okay. I know the wedding was really upsetting for him... I don't know how to help him move on.
  • -Holstien doesn't seem to like me. What's new? I hope Brenna is doing well, but I don't think he would like me checking up on her. "Get better spells," he says. My spellwork is impeccable. Not my fault if he can't understand it.   -Been researching a personal project. Kirk seems to be doing well in the library. I'm glad for him, but we still need to have that talk, I think. Rowan seems to be avoiding me, I hope he's okay but I'm not going to push it. Maybe he needs some space. He knows I'm here for him if he needs me.   -Was invited to tea by Lena. Brought her cookies from the near by bakery. We had a talk about a few different things, she mentioned that I needed to talk with my mom. I don't... really want to, but she does have a point. I need to think about how to even do that. We had never been close before everything and now... She's not easy to talk to. I'll think about it. She also said I needed to talk to Brenna. She's going through a lot of things. I'll talk to her when I get a chance. Probably shouldn't wait on that too long. How did the rest of my family ever manage to juggle all of these responsibilities? Is there a time dilator or some shit around here that I don't know about? And why do I have to have all these uncomfortable conversations with people and fix everyone else problems?   -PERSONAL RESEARCH NOTES: I have a few routes but some of them are bad which is about par for the course. Best bet is to find something enchanted to viewing. I need to see if there is something in my family effects of this nature... and if it's not in the library, I might need to look at my old family home. Looks like everything might loop back to that, huh? If there is nothing like that, I might have to call this off, or spend months enchanting my own. I balk at the idea of spending this much time researching just to toss it all away. The last option is a no go all together. If I can't find anything suitable, perhaps I should take it as a sign it wasn't meant to be- I'll always just be left with questions and that's that.

    Weddings & Huldra

    Entry 210521:   -Rowan is taking a few days off. I hardly blame him, he deserves it. I hope he has fun but it's going to be strange without him.   -Called Lena. She seems more confidant in my abilities than I am, but it's nice to know at least one person in the community who doesn't think I'm a complete failure/disaster. I think I'll take up her offer of tea sometime, just as a social thing.   -I need to have a sit down with Kirk sometime. His very obvious crush on me is awkward. If he wants to work here and learn things then I am his boss and mentor. He is going to have to look for someone to romance elsewhere.   -Returned to the library. A kid had gotten in here and made a huge mess of things. It was... honestly horrifying. I don't know how something could make such a mess to this extent... I... How? Also: parents that don't supervise their children and expect the library staff to be their babysitter have earned my eternal ire.   -Found a book with what looked like someone was copying the protection runes. I don't think this book is mine. Someone was trying to copy the spell for some reason. And it looks like they got close. I have to be more careful. Something is afoot.   -Spent time cleaning and working on alleviating the effects of the curse. I still have work to do on some restoration, but at least I am not worried about being hit by a bus on my way home.   -Curse seems to have lifted. It feels so much better. I'm so glad to not be breaking things and whatnot now.   -Went to festival with Rowan. It was nice to just have a little fun for a change. I think Rowan is right, and I need to learn to relax more often, but honestly, I'm not sure if I can. There are just too many things going on. It doesn't hurt to have some fun every once in a while though. Maybe I should do something like invite Brenna and Aldis over for a girls night with movies? That's a thing normal people do for fun, pretty sure.   -Met up with Brenna at the festival. She was with Chaz. Chaz is a bit overwhelming. I have a hard time imaging being half as comfortable around people as he seems to be. We talked for a bit before going our separate ways.   -Headed back to my parents home to pick a few things up. Mom wasn't home. Found some library books- took them to take back to the library. I really need to figure out what dad did to let her go in when she wants.   -Met up with the others at the wedding. Brenna was only allowed in if she didn't have any weaponry. She somehow had he dagger on her, and swore that she didn't know it was there. I offered for her to put her bag in my car. Kjellaug Torleifsson said that if the weapon showed up again it would be on me and accused me of trying to ruin the wedding so Rowan would have a chance with Eleena. Which is pretty insulting if I'm honest.   -Aldis gathered us all up together to confer. Eirunn was nervous about everyone seeing her and was ready to bolt. After we put our heads together and exchanged information, we realized that Eirunn, like Bjørg. She was worried about everyone seeing her as a monster, and things could very wrong if they did. We decided it would probably be best and safest if the ceremony was a bit more private- Eleena's family didn't seem like the most accepting after all. Eyvor Sivsdóttir approached us as we spoke and we told her that changes need to be made. She said she would agree if the brides agreed.   -Aldis and Gunnar went to talk to Eirunn and Bjørg while Brenna and I went to talk to Eleena. We told Eleena that Eirun was panicking it it might be easier for her if they made part of the ceremony private. We realized that she didn't know Eirunn was a huldra. We told her that it was a matter of life and death, which did seem to sway her. Though she also accused me of trying to ruin the wedding for Rowan's sake which is... really frustrating. I know emotions are high, but I'd really like people to stop insulting me and casting aspersions. I'm not the best person, I'll admit that, but I'm trying to be better. I would just... like someone to not think so poorly of me. I don't know how to fix that. I'll be paying for the things I did forever I guess.   -Gunnar started a two person rock concert as the rest of us gathered the brides, the völva and the boar to the space that Bjørg has prepared. It was quite lovely. The band had gathered over there, which luckily they were skalds, so there was that. It went well, all things considered. Eirunn revealing herself wasn't pleasant by any means, but it was something I had studied before, so I was at least a little prepared. It's still not comfortable to know that much about a person, especially someone I haven't really... gotten time to forge any real bonds with. I think, once their honeymoon is over, I should reach out to her. She made herself venerable in a way that I can hardly fathom. Perhaps she could use another friend?   -Brenna passed out as the ceremony ended. I hope she's alright. I know she has been through a lot- I hope that didn't open some old wounds.   I think I had a vision, it had to be a vision. [The next several lines have been scribbled over.] It wasn't me. I was seeing something from the past maybe? Or... it was something like the dreams I have been having. It was so vivid. Maybe I was seeing something through someone else's eyes. I... something is going on. I have to research. There has to be something somewhere in the library that has answers.. I'll look into it. I wouldn't do that. I'm not a bad person. It wasn't me.

    Events of Note: Even More Bad Luck

    Entry 21502   -Brenna got a call from Aldis as we were getting our breakfast. Eirunn had come to her for help. She has killed the matagot at least once, earing its ire. It's likely her charms do some part in repelling it in some matter. Brenna's bad luck seem to continue as she was drenched with an entire tray of food and drinks. I hope we can get this clear up soon so she can get a little more peace of mind at least.   -I went back to the library to do some additional research on ways to deal with the matagot. It is possible to change a persons luck or fate [the next few lines have been blacked out.] Gunnar could use some self preservation skills. I do not think he knows what he is offering.   -Brenna and Gunnar built a box to contain the matagot. I enchanted it to make it (temporarily) impossible to escape and to make it unable to change while inside it. The box was serviceable but heavy and unwieldy. My charms were well laid- if nothing else I can take pride in that. The box looked, frankly, terrible. We aren't going to be getting any awards for our craftsmanship anytime soon.   -Aldis called as we finished making the box. She had found the matagot- or rather, it had found her. We hurried to get there, asking a boat of fisherman to give us a lift.   -I spotted Aldis in an alley on the way to meet her. The matagot was attacking her, but she was fending it off., it then turned into a cow to attampt to crush her. Brenna got her mostly out of the way, but it seems they both got hurt in the process. Gunnar channeled... Something with his... friend and trapped it in a shadow net things? NOTE: I REALLY need to see if I can find anything on what that is.  
  • [The next half page is filled with large ink splots. It seeps through the next three pages. The rest of the notes take place after that.]
  • -We got the matagot in the box. I was bit. Am cursed. My favorite pen is broken. I hate that cat.   -Rowan told the the door was left open. ... I hope he closed it before something happened, but I can't count on that, not now. I don't want to be the Lorekeeper that goes down in history as being an abject failure.   -Brenna called Halstien and he took the box away. Brenna and Gunnar went with him.   -Spoke with Eirunn. Told her she might be free of the matagot's influence now. Was given a charm for luck and safe sea travel. Hopefully it's enough to get me home.   -Ferry worked, thank the gods for small favors.   -While I know a spell for removing curses, I probably should not attempt this myself, given my current state. Perhaps I should get in touch with Lena Leifsdottir again. NOTE TO SELF: seriously consider sending her a thank you card if she helps out with this. It never hurts to be polite. Would a gift basket be too much? I'm not good at being the person who asks for help.

    Events of Note: Bad Luck and Personal Drama

    Entry 21425:   -Went to the steak house with Rowan, he met up with Eleena and sat at a different table. She seems to need a friend, I hope Rowan's feelings for her don't get in the way of that. He also needs people. She said Eirunn called off the wedding?   -Saw Brenna come in met up with an older aged gentleman. Seems like a skald. Will have to tease her about this later. Tried not to listen in but had a hard time not listening in after I was mentioned. They knew I was there and Brenna didn't mind if I heard. Brenna has had a lot happen to her. I had a feeling, but those things seem... rude to ask about. Perhaps I might be able to talk to her about my stuff? Or would that be a burden for someone who is already going through things? Why is dealing with people and emotions so difficult?   -Saw Elena feeding some cats outside the restaurant. One of them was black- is that the matagot?   -Aldis called me. She has been losing time. Told her to get home and safe, we would talk about it in the morning.   -Met Aldis at the library. She has lost several hours at least three or four times. She saw the constellation Cepheus the previous night. I told her to start journaling when these happened so we can try to link these for a commonality. I don't know if this linked to her displacement in time. Hopefully we can find some answers for her.   -Gunnar called me and asked me to be emotional support for him to attend an AA meeting. He told me to tell Rowan he was right. Rowan is going to enjoy that.   -Went to AA with Gunnar. His.... companion seemed to interfere the entire time. Gunnar looked very unwell after. I put him up in the library for the night. Why is it acting this way? Why does it get in the way of him bettering himself? Does it want him to die? Honestly, this thing is pissing me off.   -Met up with Brenna for breakfast. She told me more about the matagot. It is immortal, brings fortune to people it blesses, but misfortune to everyone else around them. Trying to kill it will make it bring you the worst luck. The only way to get rid of it is to catch it and lock it up far away. TO RESEARCH: How to catch it, where to lock it up.   -Theory: Eleena befriended the matagot in France. It brought her good fortune and bad luck to people around her. What does Eirunn know about this?  
  • Does Eirunn have some magic abilities or natural affinity with animals? Is she part of the community? I suppose I'll have to open up to her to get her to open up to me. I.... Am not looking forward to this.
  • Events of Note: Evil Magic Cats?

    Entry 21411:   -Woken up by a cat yowl. I feel like garbage. Rowan needs to learn to use a blender correctly. Why is everything so bright?   -Visited Eirunn's shop. She seems to be a little... sad or upset? Something is going on there, but I'm not sure it's my job to pry into that. It could just be wedding jitters. Apparently Rowan was one of the first people invited? That's a sweet sentiment, but surely there are people Eleena are currently closer to. They haven't spoken in some time. Strange... But is it my level of strange, or just people strange?   -Followed by a cat that was charging at me? Was scared off by Eiruun? I think the cat wasn't actually a cat. Are evil magic cat monsters a thing? Requires research.   -Ran into Aldis, Brenna, and Gunnar on the way back to the main island. Aldis said she was missing some time today. (Does this have something to do with her time travel? NOTE TO SELF: Talk with Aldis about this further.) Gunnar said he was going to head to his uncle's place to find information on various things, including about his missing uncle. I hope he finds what he needs. Hopefully he finds something that can start him on his first steps to getting things back together- but that might be too optimistic for me to say now.   -Brenna also saw the cat. It messed with her magic somehow. (Though truth be told- I'm not sure how good she is at magic yet. I believe her, I just don't know how much of that was the creature and how much of that was her.)   -Brenna seemed upset about something. She didn't seem like she wanted to talk about it.   -Matagot- a french creature that assumes the forms of black animals. Brings misfortune. No other information in my lore library. This place is strange enough, do we really need outsider creatures here too?   -Brenna said she knows someone who could help her out with figuring out more about this creature. She might have more information tomorrow.   -Rowan told me he would like me to come with him to a dinner meet up with Eleena. She wants to try and catch up with him, misses their friendship? He is not comfortable going alone, and me driving him is a good enough excuse as any.   -NOTES TO SELF: Even if the world is going to shit, make sure to do my day job. Rowan can't handle everything by himself. Also, spend more time with Rowan, just in general. We are all we have left right now, I can't let this relationship fall apart because I messed it up. Be better.

    Events of Note(?): Weddings Rehearsals & Drama

    Entry 21328   -Eleena asked me to find someone who looks like her bride to be, Eirunn, to act as a bridemaid. Eirunn says the bridal party is uneven and thus unlucky. The only person I can think of is Aldis, but does she really want to be a bridemaid?   -A fight broke out between Eleena's family members. Brenna broke it up then was sent to pick up a guest who had not shown up.   -If one of the choices of champagne is for people with no taste, why the hell are they serving it???   -Aldis met up with Chaz, the guest Brenna was sent to get. They all showed up together at the venue. Desiree was upset about this, more than I would expect of someone to be over a miscommunication. Why is everyone so rude and on edge? Is something strange going on that I don't know about or is this just the way that all outsiders act during wedding? Or is it because they are rich snobs? I don't know, I'm not comfortable with all this.   -Rowan and I managed not to get pulled into an awkward lunch with the bridal party. We went to get some drinks and pizza instead. Met up with Gunnar who was already drunk. Decided to drink with him. Maybe he just needs someone who will listen to him and understand? Said he saw a monster killing a family and it gave him a prophesy?   -why does it want us to be drunk it keeps ordering drinks   -sometimes I feel like I have to rite even stupid things down dont want to miss things everything can mean someting or maybe just noghtin but it might be imporant later. I think somtimes i think too much about everything but if i dont stop then ill think about other things and that sucks

    Events of Note: Keys, Community, and Weddings

    Entry 21307:   -Spoke with my mom. She said she simply has to touch the door to enter the Library. Dad gave her access? Did Dad cast a spell? Will have to research. Ways to give or deny access? Will need to see if I can find Dad's research notes on this.   -Mom also had notes about a dream island. Says Dad needs to be saved? Will have to research, may have something to do with my strange dreams. [Several lines have been scratched out.] Not sure how much I can actually rely on this.   -Offered Kirk a internship. He seems disappointed with how much administration work goes into this.   -Gunnar has been researching things fairly regularly here. I know coming from me it would be hypocritical about saying something about this, but he might be obsessing a bit. Also, I really wish he was willing to work on his drinking. I feel like he's trying to drink himself into an early grave. I don't know if I can help here.   -Spoke with Brenna. Talked about magic and Gunnar. Brenna said she had an uncomfortable conversation with her tribe. I hope things are going okay for her. She seemed stressed.   -Rowan asked me to go with him to Eleena Guillory's and Eirunn Selbysdóttir wedding. I agreed. We are going to buy appropriate clothing in the morning. I hope this isn't too rough of a night for Rowan. He wasn't as good at keeping his crush on Eleena a secret as he thought he was, but I'm not going to tell him that I know.   -Met up with the group at Talldoor's Pizza Paddle. Brenna and Gunnar got strong armed into security for the wedding? Were told they needed to pay for covering up the shooting at the college (that they used my car for!) or they would be turned into the police. Why is the community so involved in the wedding? As far as I am aware, is that Eleena is not a part of the community. What connections did she make at The Erlandsson School of Art and History? I know nothing about Eirunn Selbysdóttir. I am a little worried I might run into someone who has a poor opinion of me if so many community members are involved. NOTE TO SELF: Seriously consider getting more involved in the community. Might suck in the short term, but might be help in the long term? Just... Get over it, Nora. Maybe it's time to rip off that particular band-aid.   -The thing following Gunnar seemed to be listening to our conversation. How careful should I be when talking around Gunnar? Should I let him know about this?   -Met up at the wedding. I wonder if Gunnar can make it through this without making a scene.

    Events of Note: Draugr hunts, spirits, and deeper mysteries

    Entry 21221:   -Draugr tracked Kirk, attacked in the library bathroom.   -FUTURE RESEARCH: Spirit following Gunnar? Why? What is it?   -Was told by Brenna & Gunnar that they were attacked by zombies(?) at the college campus. Kirks room had been cleared out, object taken from burrow missing.   -Kirk says that a faculty member said he could get extra credit by going to the burrow, gave him the map. Does not remember their name or appearance. Magic user or creature suspected. Someone is taking precautions to make sure their identity is not reveled.   -NOTE TO SELF: Make some time to spend with Rowan. I don't like making him worry.   -Met up with Lena Leifsdottir, a völva. Healed our wounds. Possibly a good contact and resource for later. Perhaps I should send her a thank you card?   -Headed to the Draugr's burrow, disrupted items to attract it, wrestled it into the chair. We all took substantial damage but all made it out alive. I suspect I will be purple for some time after this.   -Burrow covered with both runes and petroglyphs? Old Norske and First Nations working together to protect this place? Why? Whose or what's remains were in the missing urn? FUTURE RESEARCH: Look for other examples of this happening in the history records.   -Stayed behind to seal the burrow. Was almost finished, interrupted by smoke and flame. Draugr decapitated, on fire. Spirit that was following Gunnar was there. Scattered the ashes over the sea. "We must do what must be done."   I am left with questions and riddles. I have many things I need to research.

    Events of Note: Dreams, Robberies, and Draugr

    Entry 21214:   -Strange dreams. Took the form of a memory. [several lines have been scratched out] Things changed. Cat (is this significant- research dream meaning)? Being hunted by figures from the memory, no longer acting like before. Very cold. A familiar figure out side a window, unable to identify. A bright light. Escaped before I could be caught. It might be best to assume this is of a mystical origin. Caution never hurt anyone. Will note more if dreams continue.   -Library Access? NOTE TO SELF: Research into the creation of the locks and wards- How might one be able to get around these without the keys? [scratched out] Possible to create more or 'change locks'? Talk to mom about this if I can catch her when she's sober enough to make sense.   -Kirk Talkasson looking to sell relics? First time seen since disappearance last week. Will keep an eye on this.   -Reveled knowledge of library to Gunnar Auðurdóttir. Mistake? Only time will tell. He might possibly not remember any of it if he keeps drinking as much as he seems to be.   -A book regarding the family history of the Auðurdóttirs has gone missing. I know it was here when I was younger. Missing under my watch or my fathers? Are any other books missing? Requires investigation.   -TO DO: Call locksmith in the morning- upgrade locks to public library entries. Security breach, high importance.   -Followed lead to track Kirk to hills north-east of Angrun. Called Brenna Tomah for assistance. Received news of small village destroyed by storms. Related? Met up with Brenna and Aldis north of Angrun as they led a caravan of refugees. Monster attack on rear car.   -Hiked to the north-east, found Kirk. Had been grave robbing, looking for more treasure. Took a cup? Urn? Attacked during confrontation.   -Reveled knowledge of library to Brenna and Aldis. Also, unavoidably to Kirk. Will have to keep him here until monster is dispatched, will deal with this later.   -Research notes: DRAUGR. Protects tombs and graves. Evil, likes to hurt and kill. Ways to eliminate threat: decapitation, burn, scatter ashes over ocean -OR- wrestle into grave and seal it. Will be a difficult task.


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