The United California Republic Organization in Extinction Six | World Anvil
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The United California Republic

A union of the major city-states in Southern California, the United California Republic is one of the many new up-and-coming nations that have been arising in post-holocaust North America, being one of the most complex civilizations formed after 2029. Based around the tenets of the Old World United States, including freedom, democracy, liberty, and the rule of law, it is one of the most promising factions in the New World


The Union is lead by three main branches, the Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The president is the head of state, and serves 5 year terms. They have a senate and Supreme Court as well.


The UCR was born by the growing sentiments of its first three member cities, UCR City (Formerly California City) Junction, and Los Angeles to unite into one government, in order to protect their land and expand. In August of 2174, the constitution was drafted, officially bringing the UCR into existence.   By Post-WW3 Standards, the UCR is a paragon of economic success and moral character: political enfranchisement, rule of law, and a standard of living higher than that of mere subsistence for its citizens. Currently, UCR is experiencing a rapid period of growth economically and militarily, though some question their methods of expansion.


The UCR’s Military is composed of multiple divisions, including marksmen, scouts, and mechanized divisions, although for the most part their military is made up of rifled infantrymen. Californian Soldiers are often recognized by their wide brimmed hats, tan armored uniforms and standard service rifles. These soldier’s images are often associated with both pro-UCR and anti-UCR propaganda.

Technological Level

The UCR has a stockpile of pre-WW3 tech. Standard soldiers have rifles, along with both pre-War and self-made combat armor. The weapons and armor given to special units are higher quality, consisting of anti-materiel rifles, hunting revolvers, and brush guns.   On the civilian side, they have knowledge or irrigation, and maintain pre-WW3 transportation, such as the large interstate highways.
Founding Date
August 8th, 2174
Geopolitical, Republic
Training Level
Government System
Democracy, Representative

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