Firbolg Species in Exorsia | World Anvil
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Firbolg are druidic people that are descended from Giants, they are large hairy humanoids with broad shoulders, large noses, pale grey skin and cow-like ears.   Firbolg myths say that their ancestors were abandoned by Gaia for being too peaceful and chased from their homes by the other Giants. Lost and homeless they were approached by the Goddess Demeter who took them under her wing, teaching them the ways of nature. This is why Demeter is the Divine Patron of Firbolg.   Firbolg can be found in druidic communities within jungles and forests, they tend to be friendly and nurturing, living life slowly, taking care to enjoy every moment and everything in it. Firbolg have a close connection to their family, those blood related and friends they’ve made. Because of these strong connections Firbolg rarely leave their comfortable communities.


  Complexion: Firbolg skin tones range from a clay-like to a blueish-grey complexion.   Hair: Firbolg tend to have thick natural coloured hair, from brown to ginger.   Eyes: Firbolg have green or brown coloured cow eyes.


  Firbolg mature much slower than Humans do, reaching adulthood by the age of 30.


  Firbolg reproduce similarly to humans. The gestation period for a Firbolg is around 18 months.
Elemental (Giantkin)
500 Years
Average Height
2 - 2.4 m (7 - 8 ft)
Geographic Distribution
Patron Deity:
Demeter - Goddess of Nature


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