Fathomless Species in Exorsia | World Anvil
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The Fathomless are a rare species of aquatic humanoids. While they are genetically different from other species on Exorsia they are not a conventional species.   The Fathomless have been touched by the deep, this usually occurs when a humanoid creature drowns at sea. Just before they die they can be cursed or bound in service by an entity of the deep ocean or the Elemental Plane of Water. The Fathomless then become trapped at the verge of death, not alive, but not dead either.   The Fathomless appear as the species of their parents but with aquatic qualities, such as scaly or blubbery skin, tentacles for a crab claw for an arm or barnacle encrusted bodies.   The Fathomless are bound to their creator and are most commonly found at sea. While they can travel on land they are always drawn to the sea and their creator.   Because of their terrifying visage and connections to bad omens most Fathomless are not welcome among the living unless they can disguise themselves.


  Fathomless do not age, they are permanently trapped in a state of undeath.


  Fathomless can not reproduce.
Average Height
See origin species


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