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Adaption of a pre-existing creature

Aurumvorax :: DnD Beyond Version :: Forgotten Realms Version

Basic Information


The overall appearance is akin to badger, if it had six legs. The claws of this animal are said to be able to dig through stone as if soft earth. The fur of the animal can be the color of gold, silver, iron, copper, brass, or bronze.

Ecology and Habitats

Their habitat is limited to the mountain range, hills, and valleys near to Posco. The animal can not be removed from the area as they perish if they travel too far.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It can eat meat and has exhibited the ability to devour metal ore.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ability to 'smell' metal ores through stone and other materials. The distance and what other kinds of materials this animal can find are unknown, as the town has closed itself off to any outsiders who wish to encounter the animal.
Conservation Status
The animal is under the protection of Posco. The town that discovered and makes use of the animals.

Cover image: by TheExasperatedDM


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