The Legion of Carnage Organization in excal-heim | World Anvil

The Legion of Carnage


  • Arch-Paladin Lisab Giltreude, Het(gay) ♂, Cr 18, L-S2
  • General Vintith, Het ♂ Green Dragon, Cr 8, L-S2. Notes:
  • High-priestes Atrice Het ♀ Human, Cr #, aline. Notes: from the church of the golden storm.
  • Lady Tiffany Giltreude, Het ♀ Human, Cr 5, L-H. Notes: Wife of Lisab and absolute bimbo.
  • Walter B. Cornelius, Het ♂ Human, Cr 16, L-N. Notes: Dead
  • Secondary goals

  • Alliance with the church of the golden storm. End game: help from Armon
  • Title Name/link, gender race, Cr #, aline. Notes:
  • Tenets of Faith

    1. Liberals eat babies
    2. people with money need more money
    3. build more walls
    4. Ben Shapiro
    6. number six
    7. You are wrong because we are Right
    8. FUCK YOU
    9. De-gay the frogs.
    10. Don't...
    1. be gay
    2. be undead
    3. belong to another religion
    4. belong to a non-humanoid spiecies
    5. be trans
    6. be non-human
    7. be the thing we don't like this week
    8. disagree with us
    9. be antifa
    10. be female

    Legion of Carnage Hit List

    Kill or capture for 10,000 gp each

    Last seen
    1Walter CorneliusSparkstone hills
    2General VintithNear western front
    3High-priest Atrice???
    4Lady GiltreudeRiescion, Abbadon
    5Paladin GiltreudeNorthern front
    Religious, Cult