Percival de Rolo Character in Exandria | World Anvil
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Percival de Rolo

Architect of Enlightened Progress

(a.k.a. Percy)

Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III has endured much in his life. He was a young man plagued by personal demons when Vox Machina rescued him from a dismal cell in the Umbra Hills. In those days, Percival de Rolo—Percy to his friends—was a man driven by vengeance, with only his guns as allies, but he took no joy in that life. He has since expressed that the thing he's most grateful for is that he didn't die as the person he was, but lived long enough to grow into someone better, together with his beloved Vex'ahlia and their five children.  

Father and Inventor

Percival is deeply dedicated to his wife, to his children, and to the enduring health of Whitestone. The sorrows of his old life still haunt him, though, particularly the creation of firearms. But he has done his best to make peace with his past, resolving to spend the rest of his days creating things that bring joy to the lives of others rather than curtailing those lives. His crowning achievement is the Heart of Whitestone, a majestic clocktower that looms over his city.  

After the Epilogue

Percival largely retired from public life not long after the fall of the Whispered One. He now dedicates himself to his duties as a leader in Whitestone as much as he can, though he is more interested in creating than governing. Most of his tinkering happens in private, creating novelties such as intricate watches and streetlamps powered by volatile reactions with the acid pools beneath his city. He has also lent his knowledge to a number of feats of civic engineering, including Whitestone's skyport and Zephrah's network of windmills.


Family Ties

Percy grew up in a large family, and in the decades since their fall he has slowly rebuilt the de Rolos to their former size. His sister, Lady Cassandra Johanna de Rolo, is the only other surviving member of the original de Rolo clan.   Percival is happily married to Lady Vex'ahlia de Rolo and has five children: Vesper Elaina de Rolo, the eldest, who carries angelic blessing in her veins; Wolfe Kristoff de Rolo and Leona Pike de Rolo, twin half-elves; Vax'ildan Fredrick de Rolo, a half-elven boy; and Gwendolyn Zahra Melanie von Mussel de Rolo, a tiefling girl. Vex'ahlia's bear companion, Trinket, lives with them in Whitestone Castle, and his cub, Charlie, is a beloved playmate of the de Rolo children.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Architect of Enlightened Progress on the Chamber of Whitestone
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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