Enya Onuldi Character in Exandria | World Anvil
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Enya Onuldi

The Jaded Criminal

Amarillis Onuldi Ereuvyn (a.k.a. Amari, "Enya")

Born the only fire genasi in a half-elven family, Amarillis Onuldi might have stuck out like a sore thumb if not for where she was raised. Broonbobah, one of the Many Hosts of Igrathad, was chock-full of goblins, and anyone who noticed how she looked was usually far more concerned with her height than with her charcoal skin and flame-like hair.   Amarillis' parents separated when she was only five, leaving her to grow up in the care of her human father, Jonan Onuldi, a jewelry forger, while her drow mother, Thia, continued her merchant business in Rosohna. For much of her childhood, Amarillis had no idea why her parents had parted ways, though she knew of her mother through letters and the occasional visit. Her older brothers, however, eventually discovered their father's criminal tendencies and learned that their mother had helped their father fake his death and flee Rosohna. Amarillis finally learned the truth when Jonan sent her to live with Thia after a plenitude of behavioral misconducts.  


For Amarillis, life with Thia was stuffy and boring and confining. Seeing how “troubled” of an adolescent Amarillis was, Thia tried extra hard to parent the criminal tendencies out of her, obviously to no avail. Despite despising any sort of teaching she was getting, Amarillis did learn quite a bit from her mother and tutor, and though she pretended to be uninterested, she was fascinated by her mother’s knowledge of distant places and people, to the point of casually asking questions and rifling through her mother’s office to find books and papers and such on the world. Relationally, Thia struggled with Amarillis’s hot-headed teenage attitude, and Amarillis herself was not very forthcoming. Because of Thia’s bond with her eldest child, Aya, Amarillis had the chance to get to know both of them more, but she was largely uninterested in sticking around long enough to learn anything about them.   When Amarillis was seventeen, she reunited by chance with her father's old business partner, Zephyr. Thia learned of this and instructed Amarillis to stay away from him, but that only drove Amarillis closer to him. Seeing Jonan’s craftiness and quite a bit of potential in her, Zephyr offered her a few small criminal jobs—increasing in frequency and pay as time went on—and taught her more about being a successful criminal. Early on it was clear her talents are in thievery and fencing, so those skills are honed. With his help, Amarillis built a decent network of trusted contacts and familiarized herself with the inner-workings and underworld of Rosohna. She also was introduced to Zephyr’s close associates.  

A Life of Crime

After about a year, Zephyr encouraged Amarillis to leave Thia’s care and officially become a criminal full-time so she could be a more stable and central figure in his various activities that required more people. Amarillis lied to Thia and told her that she decided to return to Broonbobah, knowing it was unlikely that Thia would check in on Jonan or her—though she did send Tanver a letter asking him to cover for her if Thia ever did ask him about her—chose her new alias, and spent four years working with Zephyr and his associates, when a job gone south forced them all into hiding.   The newly-dubbed Enya then traveled to Asarius and spent about seven months with Lorros until she decided to return to Rosohna to make enough money to comfortably travel around and see more of Xhorhas—and, though she knew it was highly unlikely, perhaps what lay across the Ashkeeper Peaks. She spent roughly the next four years in Rosohna strengthening connections, making money doing all sorts of jobs and living life as she pleased, until she heard word of the Aeor Crash Site and the success that adventurers were having in Eiselcross. She gathered a bit of information about traveling that direction and what was up there, but hadn’t quite made up her mind about setting out for up north when a mishap with a client led to her being wanted by the authorities in Rosohna.  

Adventure in Eiselcross

Thus Enya set out for the north. Crossing the Emerald Gulch, she made her way to Uthodurn, where she picked up a job guarding smugglers traveling to Palebank Village. Curious about the contents of the package, Enya followed the smugglers through the fishing outpost and eventually filched the package, which contained a small sculpture of a humanoid figure in a deep-hooded cloak.   Before she could investigate further, she was recruited by Elro Aldataur, the village leader, to aid his team of adventurers in their quest to cure an arcane disease known as frigid woe. The four explorers sailed north to Eiselcross' central island, Foren, and delved into the ruins of the Salsvault laboratory to retrieve the cure they needed. During this time, Enya suddenly developed an affinity for magic, learning to control a campfire's flames; charm an adversary into submission; and summon a fey familiar that took the form of her childhood cat, Newt.   The magic, she soon learned, came from a godlike entity calling himself the Traveler. The Traveler greatly resembled the statuette she'd stolen from the smugglers, and indeed it appeared to have been carved—or, as a trader known as the Buyer had speculated, painted into existence—in his likeness. According to him, Enya intrigued him with her bright intellect and affinity for chaos, two traits that he would love to see cultivated. He gifted her a copy of Sir Denwallop's Little Book of Magic, a handbook to help hone her skills.   When the party finally returned to Palebank months later, Enya received word from her oldest brother, Lorros, that a lucrative "business" opportunity had opened up in Asarius. She parted ways with the Just Ice Warriors for a time, promising to see them again when they least expected.  


Jonan Onuldi: Overall, Amarillis’s life with Jonan was pretty good. Her family certainly had their personal struggles, but they were well enough off and their house was usually filled with laughter and peace. (I’m not sure if Amarillis or her siblings would have gotten an education and what that would have looked like in their village, but if that would’ve been possible then that would definitely have occupied their time; otherwise, the kids would have been generally busy working as apprentices or assistants to various people in the village). They had dinners together, spent down time each day in each other’s presence, and each member of the household had one or two close friends with which they connected with regularly. This of course would have been mixed with the hardships of growing up without Thia, living in Broonbobah as minorities, and not being able to embrace the comfortable lifestyle that they did in Rosohna. Being a fire genasi and the heir to certain traits such as stubbornness, boldness, and mischief, Amarillis did find herself getting into trouble however, especially as she grew older. After getting caught attempting to steal quite a sum of money from a rather wealthy (and snooty) individual, Jonan decided it was likely best for Amarillis to have an opportunity to learn something besides thievery and the like to make her way in life (this incident would also have been the straw that broke the camel’s back), and for her to continue her growing up with a more lawful influence in her life than himself. This conversation naturally went poorly, and it was at this point that Jonan chose to finally tell Amarillis why he and Thia split up. Nevertheless, Jonan sent Amarillis to live with and learn from Thia in Rosohna, much to Amarillis’s chagrin.   Aya Ereuvyn: Being quite a few years older than Amarillis, Aya never truly connected with Amarillis before their family split. She grew up close to Thia and with her guidance she followed in her footsteps, pursuing wealth, prestige, balance/stability, and order. She worked as an accountant for high-ranking officials in the Firmaments district of Rosohna. On the whole she desired goodness, and was quite a stickler for the rules. Upon parting ways with Jonan, Thia told Aya that “the situation was complicated and none of her concern” until Aya pushed her and Thia begrudgingly admitted that Jonan was too heavily involved with a criminal lifestyle for the two of them to sustainably raise a family. Aya’s response to that news was to completely stop responding to Jonan’s attempts at communication until Amarillis moved out of Thia’s place, at which point she resumed her very occasional responses. Aya and Amarillis spent a few years in closer physical proximity after Amarillis moved to live with Thia, but the two did not develop a close relationship, and as such they treated each other like neutral acquaintances.   Lorros Onuldi: Lorros took on the responsibilities of helping Jonan provide for their family at the age of twelve, often working multiple odd jobs at a time—both on and off the books—while trying to keep Amarillis and Tanver on the straight and narrow. Lorros and Jonan had a loving but generally tense relationship, and as Lorros grew and Jonan began to slip back into major criminal tendencies, the tension became heated enough that fights between the two became commonplace. Lorros finally left home for Asarius roughly six years after his parents' separation, after a major blow out with Jonan over lifestyle choices. He isolated himself from all family despite having a close relationship with Amarillis. Amarillis located him in her early twenties and the two reunited in Asarius for a few months, only for her to choose her criminal career in Rosohna over anything more steady, much to Lorros’ disappointment. However, the two exchanged letters occasionally up until her sudden unannounced departure to the Frigid North, and Amarillis did manage to make a few somewhat solid criminal connections in Asarius.   Tanver Onuldi: Tanver, being the middle child in a household with a tempestuous fire genasi and a strong-willed older brother, became the more introspective and intellectual of the three Onuldi children. Though it had always been clear that Tanver enjoyed working with his hands at various crafts, nothing caught on in his childhood or adolescence that held a candle to his interest in religion and philosophy, which was in part encouraged by his admiration of Thia’s devotion. After a few years of trying every trade Broonbobah had to offer, and with the encouragement of his father to find a calling that best suited him, Tanver chose to train as a priest for the Stormlord in Wrathfall . Growing up, Tanver would sometimes get roped into (mostly) harmless shenanigans that Lorros and Amarillis would pull, and though he didn’t always agree with what they were doing, he always offered poignant advice and astute observations. In some ways Tanver was a bit of a black sheep in the Onuldi family, but his variety of interests, interpersonal skills, and desire for connection made him the glue that held them together.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Duscar 2
Year of Birth
808 P.D. 28 Years old
Broonbobah, in the Many Hosts of Igrathad
Honey Gold
Brown roots, ombre to red and orange (like flames long, slightly curly; deep side part on the left, left side braided with silver rings
140 lbs
Aligned Organization

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