The Faded Dragon Miniature Item in Exandria for DnD | World Anvil
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The Faded Dragon Miniature

The Bone Shop's Cabinet of Curiosities


Worldanvil February 24 Challenge

  The Bone Garden's main attraction is a cabinet of curiosities that is Rerosha's pride and joy. Rerosha has stuffed the polished ebony cabinet with the shop's most valuable items. The cabinet stands behind Rerosha's counter and is magically protected.   The 21 objects detailed below are not for sale. However, if a player helps Rerosha, she could be convinced to part with one of them or at least do a swap.


On one of the lower shelves lies a delicate and intricate miniature painting of a brass dragon. This magical item has faded slightly over time but retains the most gorgeous details. The object has been set as a brooch during the last century and can be worn on a piece of clothing, maybe to fasten a cape. The brass dragon in the miniature is surrounded by a garland of leaves and pomegranate fruits. The fierce creature stands on a rocky outcrop before a desert background.


The miniature is a wondrous item, unique piece of ancient Marquesian art. It is also a powerful, enchanted item with many useful uses in the right hands. The price of such an item is very high: 2000 gold. It is so high that Rerosha does not expect to sell it anytime soon.


Balanzar, the witch who was Rerosha's mentor and guardian, acquired the miniature ten years ago from a colleague as collateral for a debt. Valendar Bal'zan was a well-known sorcerer in Ank'harel who set up a magic shop in the Suncut Baazar when he retired from adventuring life.

His shop, The Brass Dragon, was very well-regarded and a one-stop for most mages of the Sigil District. However, Valendar was also an inveterate gambler and spent much of his time in the Luck's Run Casino.

Balanzar was fond of Valendar and helped him out occasionally when his money ran out. One day, Balanzar disappeared. Some say that it was the Veil who got rid of him as he could not pay his gambling debts. Others say Valendar bailed out of Ank'harel and Marquet and resumed his adventures throughout Exandria. Balanzar acquired a few pieces from Valendar's collection; one of them is the Brass Dragon miniature now sitting proudly in Rerosha's cabinet of curiosities.


Rerosha knows that the miniature is the most powerful artefact in her shop and will not part for it for less than 2000 gold. 


The miniature can be used by its wearer (needs attunement)  to throw the following spells once daily: 

  • Fireball

  • Wall of Fire

  • When the caster throws the spell, an illusory brass dragon takes shape and uses its breath to throw the flames.

    Secret History

    Unbeknown to Valendar, Balanzar or Rerosha, the miniature used to belong to a young J'mon Sa Ord, the ancient brass dragon who rules Ank'harel. The miniature was made and given to J'mon Sa Ord when he first established Ank'harel by a grateful Marquesian mage. After a few centuries, J'mon awarded the miniature to one of the city's battle mages as a thank-you for ridding the Rumedan Desert of a dangerous beast. 

    If one of the players wears the brooch in the presence of J'mon Sa Ord, J'mon will ask the player about the brooch and tell the wearer its history and significance. The player will also be able to gain a favour from J'mon Sa Ord.


    Current Holder
    wondrous item


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