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Exandria Ditmer

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The world of Exandria is a harsh place to live in the Post-Divigency. On the continent of Tal'Dorei, war has raged for hundreds of years, before the suverign of Tal'Dorei declared the center part of it a kingdom, leaving the city-state of Whitestone to the north, next to icy wasteland of Lyrengorn. To the south Syngorn houses most of the elven population, and serves as the border for and anarchy of the south of that.   But in the greater cities there is peace, and the roads are... relatively save to travel, if you don't take those too close to unknown, and unwelcome, forrests. The dwarfs keep the city of Kraghammer busy, exporting stones and gems from the depth, whilst the halflings brew beer, run farms of all different sorts, and tinkers with new technology, whilst the human... well... do what humans do, which is almost everything. Gnomes are rarely seen - almost as uncommon as the dragonborns. Tieflings usually keep to themselves, whilst the Genasis are hard ever seen. To the north where actual cities are scares, several different tribes with goliaths are found.