uncertain endeavors Report in Exandria | World Anvil
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uncertain endeavors

General Summary

The party has regained all their belongings and is looking towards the future, but where does that lead?   Uncertain of their goal the morning goes by relativly uneventful. Scribbles has managed to spend over 2 hours asking Arezar numerous questions about life as a goliath and how he deals with it. In return he has recieved about a much words two minutes of speaking would contain.   Meanwhile the rest of the party managed to, eventualy, find Mituna Whistleshield. The Great-Grandson of Burtle welcome the party into their home and many conversations were had while tea and various foods were enjoyed. Mituna and Lupé are researchers of the Alabaster Lyceum in Emon looking at an uncovered door in the Ivyheart Thicket.   After they left Mituna's, now joined by Scribble, the party discussed on their next journey and if they would stick together. After a small pubcrawl Burtle blurted to the party to race to the door and the winner would be given 10 gold and 10 beers.   Scribble and Barend quickly dashed out the door while Burtle and Talab took a more calm aproach.   As the latter duo managed to pull ahead they heard wolves in the nearby woods. The carriage that brought them this far felt unsave and wanted to return, offering to repay the gold spent. The duo continued along the road along the forest and started seeing humanoid figures, though uncertain of what they were. Once such creater noticed the party and attack the Tortle and Dragon. They managed to defeat their foe but withdrew once more started showing.   Burtle Remebered there being a nearby town, burned to the ground. the ruins of Torthil. When setting up camp the rest of the party joined, but they werent alone.   a few scouts of the Ravagers managed to find them thanks to the campfire and attacked. Though clever use of magic by scribble these foes were easily defeated. Bound the orc and goblins were interrogated, to no avail however. They were thrown in front of the ghostly entities that surrounded Torthil when Burtle unbound the orc with a precise shot of his bow. Instead of rescuing the goblins the orc ran south-east.   This distraction allowed the party to continue their journey past the ruins without drawing the attention of the inhabitants. As the sun began to rise they encountered a second glow on the horizon, the embers of the crimson scar left by Thordak as he swooped over the countryside.
Exandria chronociles
Talab Algharad
Burtle Whistleshield
Sniv Sik
Level 1 Kobold Lawful Neutral Wizard
/ 9 HP
barend bats
Player Journals
Towards the Fire and Flame! by Talab Algharad
Report Date
04 Jun 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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