Arista Maermidurr Character in Exandria - 21 | World Anvil

Arista Maermidurr

Arista Maermidurr (a.k.a. The Sleeper Agent)

Arista Maermidurr is a former Blade of Malice (Chelicerae) who ran to the hills to see the world and find a better purpose. She is trained in subterfuge and infiltration tactics along with Dark Elf blade dancing. She is a gifted fighter who is granted powers from her goddess Lolth, including the ability to connect to her weapons in order to fight with greater purpose and power.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arista is pretty tall and quite toned. She has a runner's/dancer's physique. Slim torso and upper body, strong legs and arms.

Body Features

One of the most notable things about Arista is her freckles. Ever since leaving the darkness of Rosohna she has developed freckles all over her body. She has long delicate fingers that would befit a violinist or weaver. She has a large lightning bolt scar down the right side of her back. It starts from her upper shoulder and spreads across to the bottom of her neck then down to her lower back.

Facial Features

Arista has long pointy ears She has dimples She has big lips and a strong nose Thick eyebrows She has light gray eyes that glimmer silver in darkness Her face and neck are covered in darker purple freckles She has very long, carefully cared for, braided hair. A thick but short scar to the side of her left eyebrow She has a septum piercing and multiple ear piercings

Identifying Characteristics

Long braided hair Greyish Purple Skin

Physical quirks

Is often fidgeting or inspecting things around her. Taps her foot a lot. Not a typical tap of the toes from a lifted heel but rather tapping her toes with her heel lifted as she follows some truncated ballet footwork.

Special abilities

Mask of Many Faces- Disguise Self at Will Eldritch Sight- Detect Magic at Will Superior Darkvision

Apparel & Accessories

She likes finer clothing, especially the silks of home. She mixes tight form fitting clothes with flowy accessories. Lots of dark purples, tones of grey, dark reds and maroons and silver for color choices. Has a hidden symbol of Lolth on a long necklace. Big floppy sunhat and deep red sunglasses.

Specialized Equipment

Arista is trained in the use of many tool sets:
  • Disguise Kit
  • Poisoner's Kit
  • Forgery Kit
  • Calligrapher's Set
  • Cartographer's Tools
  • Alchemy Kit (through her gloves)
She speaks Common, Undercommon and Elven She is trained in Light and Medium Armor as well as Shields She has complete weapon proficiency. She is a spellcaster.

Dark Elf Hexblade Warlock Servant of Lolth Probably the reason Invictus FISH is in trouble.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
20 years old
Date of Birth
32nd of Duscar, 814PD
Silvery Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Greyish Purple
5' 8"


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