Samea's Spells Document in Exalted: in the Age of Sorrows | World Anvil

Samea's Spells

Having spent years searching for occult lore and been the primary sorcerer in a war against the Realm itself, Samea knows a wide variety of spells. These are the ones she admits to knowing and will teach if an agreement can be reached. She also has several copies of The White and The Black Treatise taken as loot.

Terrestrial Circle

  • Empathic Wind: Send sensory impressions to another up to Essence level ✗ 50 miles away.
  • Food from the Aerial Table: Create food for a group, can be stored for a few days
  • Impenetrable Frost Barrier: For 20 minutes the sorcerer and those close to them are somewhat protected from missile attacks.
  • Infallible Messenger: Conjure a tiny spirit who delivers a verbal message anywhere in the world within a day
  • Stormwind Rider: Travel via whirlwind
  • Summon Elemental: Summon and bind an elemental to a task for a year and a day or to the summoner for a month. Powerful Elementals can send proxies.
  • The Sacred Tongue: Can talk with anyone irrespective of language but is obviously using magic to do so
  • Wood Dragon's Claw: The sorcerer transforms their hands into large wooden weapons.


  • Blood of Boiling Oil: Touch someone and turn their blood to boiling oil
  • Demon of the Second Circle: Summon one of the unique second circle demons, parents and creators of the first circle demons. Can only be cast on the night of the new moon or during Calibration. Second Circle demons have limits on how many places they can be at once and so how many sorcerers can bind them at one time is limited. More likely to hold a grudge at being bound and more capable of seeking revenge than their lessers.
  • Dolorous Reflection: While he remains in a defensive stance and for several minutes after, all missile attacks are reflected and may hit the attacker
  • Incomparable Body Arsenal: For hours the sorcerer transforms into rusted metal that is immune to poison, doesn't breath and can manifest weapons.
  • Sapphire Counter magic: Breaks and counters second circle and lower spells.
  • Swift Spirit of Winged Transportation: Summon a winged automaton to carry a vehicle, ship or small building to a new location at an incredible 200 mph
  • Travel Without Distance: Safely but flashily teleport up to Essence level X 10 miles.
  • Unity of Dreams: Connect a small group so they can communicate in their dreams. When they are all asleep they can be transported to the location of one of the dreamers, though this ends the spell early, otherwise it lasts months.
  • Voices of Distant Regard: Until the next time she sleeps the sorcerer can hear everyone who is talking about them and the approximate distance and direction of the conversation. Listening to many at once can be difficult.
  • Whirlwind of Fate: At the moment the spell is cast the sorcerer names a goal, then spends several minutes seeing the weaves of Fate and the likely and unlikely ways they could be twisted towards that goal.
    The spell creates an Aspect for reaching the goal that has a number of free invokes equal to the shifts on the casting roll. Using these any of these invokes relates to information the sorcerer remembers from the casting or strange coincidences she initiated since then, each invoke used is also given to the GM to use as Fate Points to use on any rolls or actions by the sorcerer that do not relate to advancing the goal, none of these points are ever returned to the player (they vanish instead if used, for example, in a compel). These points vanish when the goal is met, the Aspect vanishes when the sorcerer is out of invokes. The spell cannot be cast again while any invokes remain or to restock the invokes when exhausted, though in this case it could be cast for a new goal that the remaining GM Fate Points from the previous casting can be used to interfere with.
Manual, Magical / Occult
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth