"The Chronicles of Dirk" Chaos Order

The Chronicles of Lord Dirk and the Chaos Order   In the simplest of homes and humblest of places, a small frail man was born. Small of chest, arms and legs, he grew up as many others have…a peasant trying to make his living. Through the actions of himself and his friends, he would ascend to be much more—a savior and breaker of chains. The story begins in Dirks youth, where he served as an initiate in the Order, an organization dedicated to the destruction of Fey, Demons, Fiends and evil in all its forms. This is where he first met Talion and Zirael, who would eventually become his great friends. Together, they toiled for 15 long years, until one day, they were sent on a quest that would change the destiny of Evermore forever. The First Trials of Dirk and Company Zirael, Dirk, and Talion were sent on their first official mission: Capture a witch. An easy first task, or so they thought. Through a twisted series of events, they eventually destroyed the hag, with the help of newfound friends Althea, Asher, Dugrae and Thrn’k. Together, they were eventually initiated into the Order, and made ancient vows that bound them together in the fight against the fiends that shocked the world. A Spark of Divinity and the Founding of The Chaos Order In the travels and trials that followed, it became clear that Dirk was favored, if not by the gods, by some entity that protected and guided his hand. In the darkest of moments, Dirk would perform miracles that would defy any sort of explanation besides divine favor. Through their journey, Dirk and his friends would witness first hand the atrocities committed in the name of the rulers Rhexus and Draxus, and vowed never to be beholden to their whims. On a fateful day in a small city in the East, the Chaos Order was born. Dirk’s first follower was a merchant that was on his way to the Capital to persecute non-humans. Dirk blinded him with holy light, and told him that he would regain his sight if he changed his ways and became a breaker of chains. The man repented, left for the capital, and preached Dirk’s message of freedom and was instantly healed of his affliction. And so, the Chaos Order was born. The First Miracle Not long after the first follower, the group began to spread the word of Dirk far and wide, under the leadership of Dugrae, who would become known as the First Apostle. Word of his glory began to spread, as well as his message of freedom from the chains that kept the innocent and poor down beneath the heel of the wealthy and powerful. Word of his exploits and ideas spread, and soon enough, high level assassins were sent to end this insurgent before his “religion” spread to the masses. This was when the first miracle occured. Beaten to an inch of his life in combat by highly trained assassins, Dugrae used his last breath to seek help and guidance from Dirk. Dirk smiled and blessed Dugrae, uttering the now famous words, “Witness Me.” With a flash of radiant energy, Dugrae’s wounds knitted closed, and he could feel the mystical energy of Dirk fill his body with strength. He looked to Dirk, who simply smiled and said, “Conquer and Find Victory, in my holy name…”. Dugrae, inspired by his Lord’s blessing, smote the assassins in two mighty blows. The First Miracle had just been performed. Dugrae fell to his knees and swore allegiance with Dirk, alongside Zirael. They became, respectively, the First Apostle and the Defiler. The Second Miracle and the Massacre at the Cabin The trials of Dirk and company continued, and they were beset upon by countless foes, each of which wanting to string the benevolent leader up for what they perceived as outright heresy against their gods and kings. One such incident took place in a small cabin in the woods, where one of Dirk’s zealots was meeting with some potential allies. During the meeting, the cabin was surrounded by enemy combatants. Zirael, the Defiler, was forced to kneel before the inquisitor and was questioned about his allies position. He swore he would spare their lives if he simply pointed towards their direction. Zirael slowly lifted his palm up to point, and pointed his middle finger to the sky. He followed this by transforming into his lycan form and attacking the inquisitor, beginning what would later be called, “The Massacre at the Cabin”. This was when the Second Miracle was performed. As the battle began to rage on, Dirk went into action. He climbed to the top of the barn and cast a magnificent phantasmal force, arcane energy spewing from his lute and fingers as mead from a shattered cask. The eldritch energy formed into a diminutive and fat version of Althea, who the soldiers had been searching for. With a wicked cry, the image called to the soldiers, “Follow me, if you wish to get me!”. The image then ran into the woods. For most other spellcasters, this stunt would have led to a swift death...but once again, Dirk’s Divine Spark became clear. To the awe of his friends, nearly half the soldiers were mystically drawn to chase this absurd caricature of Althea into the woods, greatly evening the odds for his party. After the battle, the first example of Dirk’s Wrath was demonstrated. Through the direction of the Defiler, the bodies of the fallen were mutilated and placed into a message for those who would dare strike against him and his friends. “Regards, from Dirk,” was written with mangled limbs and bones of the dead, placed in front of the cabin for all to see. The dead inquisitors eyes were plucked out, his corpse propped up on a chair beside the macabre message, with his middle fingers bent into rigid extension in front of him. The stories of those who returned to see this grim tableau would never bring to justice its full effect on the psyche of Dirk’s enemies. This would only solidify the infamy of Dirk and his crew. The End of Order Tales of a new dark power rising from the depths of the dark unknown began to creep across the land. Several of Dirk’s disciples experienced first hand the lurking madness that would soon rise up to overthrow the order and balance of the world. Dirk’s visage grew grim as he continued to learn more about this great devourer of worlds being awakened from his slumber. Dirk set a plan into motion...he would liberate the vault of the Order and use its weaponry to stage some sort of defense against the growing dark. But this is where the story takes a turn… Upon reaching Lisbon, the Order’s main stronghold, Dirk and his followers were greeted by the Herald, an invulnerable force of nature. Though the group held him off valiantly, his power was too great for young group, and they were forced to retreat. Through the sacrifice of Thrn’k, the druid, Dirk and his crew were able to escape from certain doom at the hands of the Herald. With a heavy heart, Dirk vowed that he would bring holy vengeance upon the wicked in the name of Thrn’k. The Order of Lisbon was destroyed that day, leaving Dirk and his disciples to fend for their own. Through a series of events, they made their way north... Chaos Reigns Dirk and his disciples decided to settle, if for a time, in the free north. They helped establish Free Heimel, a village of free people that would live and work in solidarity and support of one another. The party was lost and confused after the death of companion Thrn’k and took this job from the benefactor Elizabeth Trask, a deceiver. This journey was harsh and treacherous. Along the route they ran into yetis, who are strangely unwilling to bargain. Dirk, Created, Zireal and Talion found warmth and safety from the snowstorm within its gut (if you thought they smelled bad on the outside…). The Order, or what was left of it, was willing to perform any action to procure freedom. They met their contacts in the north and began construction of Free Hiemel, for purposes unknown. Their new companion Thelise had a church built to The Great Devourer which attracted the attention of house Jador: deceivers. Dirk and his disciples were amused at the numerous creations and slaves that visited Free Heimel, and found joy in messing with them as much as possible, however their deviousness soon became clear to Lord Dirk. Lord Dirk beat the house of Jador at their own games by securing a vial of antidote against their poison which would be a feat that would save his followers in the future. On a fateful mission to the mountain, Thelise stunned the entire party by releasing the Great Devourer, a being of unfathomable madness and evil upon the world, betraying the trust of Dirk and what he now called his “Chaos Order”. Dirk and the Chaos Order would not serve such a god and left the city in a blaze of glory. Though heartbreaking, the betrayal finally freed these agents of Chaos from their last shackles. In a fit of anger and defiance, Dirk cut off the arm that Thelise had shook when they first met. Free Heimel was abandoned. It still holds importance to Dirk; his first shrine was built here, he lost his arm here, he had a new arm forged from metal here, and his first temple was burned here by his first apostle. Free Heimel will always be remembered as the city that freed Dirk and his disciples from the shackles of death. The Conversion of Macias Through a fateful turn of events in the desert (and loss of faithful acolyte Talion), Dirk and crew reached the city of Macias after weeks of journey from Salvation Reach near Goodwill with their new companion Dantes Stargazer, a young wizard who sought out a love worth dying for. Refusing to leave it to fate, he decided to accompany Dirk and his acolytes and journey for the first time outside his sheltered existence.   After several failed attempts at romance, the group discovered that it was the Festival of the Moon at Macias. This was an annual festival celebrated with partying, debauchery, and a competition to join the Blood Hunter ranks located in the Catacombs. Quick of tongue and daring, Dantes secured a date with the Bartender of the tavern AND a female guard of the city by saying that he would not only survive but dominate the Bloodhunter trial. Suffice it to say, Dantes was motivated to win. Sure enough, of the dozen that entered the trials, only Lord Dirk and his companions remained as a large rock quickly crushed the other contestants, leaving the Chaos Order to fend for themselves.   The adventurers eventually discovered that the catacombs were not made by the granite dwarves but large worms burrowing through the ground, as one of them broke the ground and reared its head. Through Lord Dirk’s ingenuity and foresight, his well placed Explosive Rune caused enough of a commotion that led the large purple worm away allowing the group to venture through the cave in peace. After happening on a goblin hive, Lord Dirk displayed his quick thinking by turning invisible and sneaking past the goblins. He discovered several humans, one of which, it turns out, was a queen. Another miracle by Lord Dirk!   After saving the woman, the adventurers soon discovered that everyone at the bar bowed to their Queen, though not of Macias... The Fall of the Crimson Army/ The Return of the Dwarf’s Honor (a letter from an acolyte) “Macias in ruins and the north on the brink of destruction due to a famine that spread due to a fiend. Macias is the last standing city that hasn’t resorted to cannibalism or violence; the religion of Dirk gives us hope. Armies approached us from all sides, thousands of Crimson Guards. Out of fear we rigged the city to explode and would escape through the catacombs then let them take us alive. We brought order and challenged Draxus, of course they were here to destroy us. In talking with the queen of Macias (Queen of the onyx tower was a chicken) we learned of an old entrance to the catacombs hiding the Heart of the Mountain, only they knew it existed and only they knew how to find it. This was their secret and sacred quest for longer than was shared. Possibly dated back to old rulers all the way to the first drow war. They were to secretly weaken the hunters in hopes of one day overthrowing Draxus and freeing the people. With this information and the state of the city we set our ambush. We left the gates opened to invite them into their deaths, but before we sprung the trap we talked with the few military stragglers approaching the city. They didn't come to fight, they came for hope! We were the last functioning city in the area and word of us having food spread through the army ranks. Troops marched on our city and those troops were converted that day. Dirk’s fed the hungry and inspired the troops lost and broken giving them the hope they so desperately needed. With the promise of food and safety we went into the catacombs looking for the last hope before the city fell into chaos due to hunger. The entrance was old and foreboding sending a shiver down even the bravest spine. In all this darkness Dantes; pitching a massive tent, kissed the Queen of Macias bravely before we entered. She sploshed. We entered the catacombs lead by Created the dwarven warforged. Knowing what was ahead they battled through traps, crumbled hallways and skeletons sacrificing many men along the way. Only the four companions and the army general made it through to the end. When entering the last chamber, you could feel the energy and presence within the room. A slithering began as the room begins to light up. In front of us is a giant snake dragon with two heads. The group quickly spreads out and valiantly fights the monstrosity, over 50ft tall. As we damaged it, the heads began to fall off and to our dismay they grew back in pairs. As the futility of fighting continued, Dantes noticed a key within the mouth of one of the heads. Dirk noticed a door behind the 50ft monstrocity. After beheading it, Dantes, Dirk and Montag worked together to get the key and take it to a gate at the back of the chamber. At this point, 13 heads had sprouted and all at once readied itself to make a final, flaming blast. The door opened and a gem was within. Dantes and Montag tried to grab it, but could not pry it from its case; two enclosed dwarven hands held the prize. Created ran into the room while taking damage and jumped onto the hands and they opened, allowing him to grab them. A final blast collapsed everyone except for Dirk and Created. Dirk used his strength and magic to protect his comrades and followers. Created pressed against the wall while trying his hardest to use the gem and found his body slowly transforming back into his original dwarf form undoing all of the yeshai magic which had made him a cold warforged. With a stone and axe appearing near him, he took his halberd, stood at the doorway and commanded the protector to stand down. Lord Dirk had given him the strength needed to confront such a foe, and smiled greatly as the breath weapon lowers and the monster steps aside. As directed by Dirk, Montag leads the party back out of the catacombs with a new purpose and knowledge. In the aftermath we were not able to secure more food and a forced march was needed to find safe mountains to grow food through magical means. We either stayed and ate each other or left and searched for food. After a death march left many diseased and sick...we arrived at our fortress, to rebuild and save the land. Dirk will be known for providing for his followers if they are loyal and true to his tenets: to break the chains of oppressors, and become the best version of yourself. With the gem and fortress this blessing will be passed onto the dwarves as they rebuild slowly, along with the rest of the nation. The faith in Dirk has been rewarded. The chaos of breaking down old institutions has led to the spark of true freedom for all. Break the chains. Hail Lord Dirk.” -a loyal acolyte of Lord Dirk


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