The Solar Eclipse Crew Organization in Evermoore | World Anvil
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The Solar Eclipse Crew

Sol'Ae "King of Eclipse" (Kahn): Sol'Ae is the charismatic and noble leader of the Solar Eclipse Crew. As the king of Eclipse and a powerful Archfey, he possesses an array of magical abilities. Sol'Ae is driven, dangerous, and highly likable, with a noble aspiration to create a utopia and protect his citizens.   Selandra Twilight "Moonlit Herald" (Twilight Queen): Selandra Twilight is the current Twilight Herald and the wife of Sol'Ae. She possesses the power to control the moon and is a member of the Twilight Dynasty. Selandra is an influential and respected figure, ruling alongside Sol'Ae and ensuring the prosperity and well-being of the Kingdom of Eclipse.   Xiawen "Stormrider" Vitaelementa (Specialist): Xiawen is a skilled druid with a deep connection to the primordial forces. She specializes in harnessing the powers of lightning, wind, ice, fire, and earth. Xiawen is known for her independence, curiosity, and adventurous spirit. She serves as the crew's go-to expert for analyzing and solving complex problems.   Kaldur "Ironbone" (First Mate): Kaldur is a hulking half-orc warrior with exceptional strength and endurance. Raised among warrior tribes in the primordial country of Aezraghn, he embodies honor and loyalty. As the crew's first mate, Kaldur ensures Sol'Ae's orders are followed and keeps everything running smoothly.   Melody "Whisperwind" (Musician): Melody is a graceful elf with a deep connection to nature and a love for music. She is a skilled bard with the power to manipulate emotions and weave enchantments through her music. Melody serves as the crew's musician, uplifting spirits with her melodies and providing practical uses for her musical abilities.   Pyra "Hellweaver" Obsession (Lorekeeper): Pyra is a radiant tiefling sorceress with a thirst for magical knowledge and a fascination with the arcane arts. She specializes in manipulating external forces and weaving intricate spells. Pyra serves as the crew's lorekeeper, documenting their journeys, recording findings, and providing invaluable insights into magical phenomena.   Tyran "Searock" Prismastone (Cook): Tyran is a rugged dwarf with a deep connection to the sea. He is a formidable warrior with exceptional strength and resilience. Tyran serves as the crew's cook, preparing delicious meals using the fresh catch from their astral sea voyages and keeping the crew well-fed and their spirits high
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Cover image: by Joe Kitchen (Ai)

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