"Searock" Character in Evermoore | World Anvil
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Tyran Prismastone (a.k.a. Searock)

Name: Tyran "Searock" Prismastone Description: Tyran is a rugged and muscular dwarf with a braided red beard and fiery orange eyes. He wears sturdy armor made from the scales of ancient sea serpents. Personality: Tyran is boisterous and jovial, always ready for a good drink and a hearty laugh. He possesses an indomitable spirit and an insatiable thirst for adventure. Backstory: Tyran hails from Carnleon, the dark continent, where he was a renowned sailor and pirate. He joined the Solar Eclipse Crew to continue his life on the high seas and uncover hidden treasures. Abilities: Tyran is a formidable warrior with exceptional strength and resilience. Able to weild oceanic powers. He is also adept at swimming and navigating treacherous waters. His connection to the sea allows him to breathe underwater and communicate with aquatic creatures. Weapon: Trident of the Tides - A majestic trident forged from the heart of a raging storm, capable of summoning tidal waves and controlling water currents. Fighting Style: Tyran is a relentless and ferocious fighter, wielding his trident with powerful strikes. He combines his combat prowess with water-based abilities to create whirlpools, unleash water projectiles, and manipulate his surroundings. Job: Cook - Tyran's love for food and his culinary skills make him the perfect fit for the role of the crew's cook. He can whip up delicious meals using the fresh catch from their astral sea voyages, keeping the crew well-fed and their spirits high.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tyran "Searock" Prismastone is a rugged and resilient dwarf with a braided red beard and fiery orange eyes, embodying the spirit of a seasoned seafarer. His boisterous laughter and indomitable spirit are matched only by his unwavering loyalty and strong sense of honor. With a deep reverence for the sea and a commitment to protecting his crew, Tyran stands as a stalwart guardian of the Solar Eclipse Crew, leading them through treacherous waters with unwavering resolve

Body Features

Tyran "Searock" Prismastone possesses a sturdy and muscular physique, befitting his seafaring lifestyle. Standing at a compact but formidable height for a dwarf, his broad shoulders and robust build exude strength and resilience. Tyran's distinguishing feature is his vibrant and braided red beard, which cascades down his chest, adding a touch of fiery intensity to his rugged appearance. His calloused hands and weathered skin bear witness to the countless battles fought and the hardships endured upon the astral seas.

Facial Features

Tyran "Searock" Prismastone's face is a testament to his rugged and adventurous nature. His strong, square jawline exudes determination and a sense of purpose. His orange eyes, reminiscent of flickering flames, hold a spark of fiery intensity and unwavering resolve. Above his eyes, thick eyebrows frame a pair of keen and observant eyes, ever watchful of his surroundings. As a proud dwarf, Tyran sports a braided red beard that flows down from his chin, adding a touch of charisma and individuality to his visage. Despite the trials and tribulations he has faced, there is a hint of mischief and a warm, welcoming smile that can light up even the darkest of seas

Identifying Characteristics

Braided Red Beard: One of Tyran's most distinctive features is his braided red beard. It flows down from his chin in thick, interwoven strands, showcasing his dwarf heritage and adding a touch of charisma to his appearance.   Fiery Orange Eyes: Tyran's eyes are a striking shade of fiery orange. They gleam with intensity, reflecting his indomitable spirit and the determination that fuels his seafaring adventures.   Scaleskin Armor: Tyran is often seen donning sturdy armor made from the scales of ancient sea serpents. The armor not only provides protection but also serves as a visual representation of his affinity for the sea and his experiences as a seasoned sailor.   Weathered Appearance: The years spent battling the elements and facing the challenges of the astral seas have left their mark on Tyran. His weathered skin and calloused hands speak of his resilience and the countless trials he has endured.

Special abilities

Oceanic Manipulation: Tyran has a unique connection to the power of the ocean. He can manipulate water and harness its elemental forces to his advantage. He can summon tidal waves, control water currents, and create powerful whirlpools, using them to disorient foes and create strategic advantages during combat.   Aquatic Communication: Tyran has the ability to communicate with aquatic creatures, forging a bond with the denizens of the astral seas. This allows him to understand their language and intentions, gaining valuable insights and potentially enlisting their aid in various tasks, such as scouting or gathering information.   Enhanced Strength and Endurance: Tyran's years of seafaring and physical training have honed his body to be incredibly strong and resilient. He possesses enhanced strength, enabling him to wield his trident with exceptional power and perform feats of extraordinary physical prowess. His endurance allows him to weather the harshest of conditions and endure extended battles without faltering.   Adaptation to Water Environments: Tyran's connection to the sea grants him remarkable adaptability in water environments. He can breathe underwater, allowing him to explore the depths for extended periods without the need for additional equipment. He also possesses heightened swimming abilities, enabling him to navigate swiftly and effortlessly through turbulent waters.   Water-based Healing: Drawing upon the rejuvenating properties of water, Tyran has the ability to heal both himself and his allies. By channeling the life-giving essence of water, he can mend wounds, soothe ailments, and restore vitality, providing essential support during battles and aiding in the recovery of the crew.   Hydrokinetic Shield: Tyran can summon a protective shield made of swirling water, forming a barrier that deflects incoming attacks and reduces their impact. This hydrokinetic shield not only provides additional defense but can also be manipulated to redirect or counter enemy assaults

Apparel & Accessories

Sea-themed Embellishments: His armor and clothing bear various sea-themed embellishments, such as intricate engravings of crashing waves, swirling currents, or sea creatures. These adornments symbolize his affinity for the sea and serve as a reminder of his maritime adventures.   Nautical Accessories: Tyran carries a compass, a tool essential for navigation, securely fastened to his belt. He also wears a necklace or pendant fashioned in the shape of a trident, representing his connection to the power of the ocean.   Weathered Boots: Tyran's sturdy boots are designed for traversing all kinds of terrain, from the deck of a ship to rocky shores. They provide him with stability and traction, ensuring he can navigate even the most challenging surfaces.   Sailor's Hat: Completing his ensemble, Tyran often dons a wide-brimmed sailor's hat, adorned with a feather or other maritime trinkets. The hat offers protection from the sun and salt spray while adding a touch of seafaring charm to his appearance

Specialized Equipment

Utility Belt: To keep essential tools and equipment at hand, Tyran wears a sturdy utility belt. It holds items like a grappling hook, a small pouch of dried herbs for medicinal purposes, and a knife for practical purposes.   Scale Armor: Tyran wears sturdy armor crafted from the scales of ancient sea serpents. The armor provides excellent protection against both physical attacks and the elements, allowing him to navigate the treacherous waters with confidence. Trident of the Tides: Tyran wields a powerful weapon known as the Trident of the Tides. This majestic trident is forged from the heart of a raging storm, imbued with the essence of the astral seas. It allows Tyran to summon tidal waves, control water currents, and channel the elemental forces of the ocean to devastating effect.   Waterproof Gear: Understanding the importance of staying dry and protected in the maritime environment, Tyran possesses a set of waterproof gear. This includes a specially designed cloak and boots that repel water, keeping him comfortable and allowing him to move swiftly even in wet conditions.   Grappling Hook: Tyran carries a sturdy grappling hook, a versatile tool essential for various tasks. It enables him to scale cliffs, board enemy vessels, or secure the ship during turbulent weather. The grappling hook serves as a valuable asset in both combat and exploration scenarios.   Diving Gear: When venturing beneath the surface of the astral seas, Tyran utilizes a set of diving gear. This includes a breathing apparatus, goggles, and a waterproof light source, enabling him to explore the depths and interact with underwater environments for extended periods.   Navigation Instruments: As a skilled seafarer, Tyran possesses a collection of navigation instruments to aid him in charting the astral seas. These instruments may include a compass, sextant, and nautical maps, allowing him to plot courses, determine positions, and navigate through the ever-shifting currents and uncharted territories.   Survival Kit: To ensure his preparedness in the face of unexpected challenges, Tyran carries a compact survival kit. It includes items such as flares, a small supply of rations, a water purifier, and other essential tools for survival in remote or hazardous environments

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tyran's childhood was steeped in the tales of daring voyages, legendary sea monsters, and hidden treasures whispered among the seafaring folk of Carnleon. From an early age, he displayed an affinity for the ocean, drawn to its vastness and the mysteries that lay beneath its surface. It was during his formative years that Tyran's love for the sea began to shape his destiny.   As he grew older, Tyran embarked on numerous expeditions and sea adventures, honing his skills as a sailor and pirate. He navigated treacherous waters, battled fearsome sea creatures, and charted unexplored territories. His reputation as a formidable warrior and a fearless captain quickly spread throughout the dark continent, earning him respect and admiration among his peers.   Despite his piratical lifestyle, Tyran was not driven solely by greed and plunder. He possessed a deep appreciation for the beauty and power of the ocean, viewing it as a living entity that deserved respect and care. This connection to the sea manifested in his ability to communicate with aquatic creatures, forming bonds with dolphins, sea turtles, and even elusive merfolk.   Tyran's exploits brought him face to face with the forces of nature, as he navigated through raging storms, battled against colossal waves, and witnessed the raw power of the ocean firsthand. These experiences instilled in him a profound respect for the elements and a deep understanding of the unpredictable nature of the sea.   His journey eventually led him to cross paths with the Solar Eclipse Crew, where he found a sense of camaraderie and a shared thirst for adventure. Tyran's boisterous nature and unparalleled love for the sea made him a natural fit within the crew, and his reputation as a skilled sailor and warrior added a valuable asset to their endeavors.   Joining the Solar Eclipse Crew allowed Tyran to continue his life on the high seas while embracing a newfound sense of purpose and camaraderie. Together with his crewmates, he embarks on daring voyages, exploring uncharted waters, uncovering ancient relics, and facing formidable foes that stand in their way.   Throughout his personal history, Tyran "Searock" Prismastone's connection to the sea, his seafaring experiences, and his unwavering spirit have shaped him into a legendary figure among the sailors and pirates of Carnleon. His stories of adventure and triumph have become the stuff of legends, inspiring future generations of seafarers to embark on their own epic journeys across the vast ocean


From a young age, Tyran immersed himself in the maritime culture of Carnleon, learning the ways of the sea directly from seasoned sailors, experienced captains, and pirates who frequented the ports. He absorbed their stories, legends, and practical knowledge, gaining an understanding of navigation, seamanship, and the perils and rewards of a life at sea.   His education was a combination of formal training and learning through practical experience. Tyran apprenticed under skilled sailors and shipbuilders, acquiring knowledge of rigging, sail handling, and the intricate workings of a ship. He learned to navigate by the stars, read nautical charts, and interpret weather patterns, enabling him to safely navigate treacherous waters and plot efficient courses.   The practical skills acquired during his apprenticeship were supplemented by the oral tradition of storytelling and shared experiences among seafaring communities. Tyran learned about the lore of the sea, the history of famous maritime expeditions, and the myths and legends associated with the ocean. These tales passed down from generation to generation served to educate and inspire young sailors, imparting valuable lessons about the dangers and wonders of the vast sea.   As Tyran's reputation as a skilled sailor and pirate grew, he became acquainted with the more clandestine aspects of seafaring, learning the art of navigation without traditional navigational aids, reading hidden signs and currents, and honing his skills in stealth and survival. His education in the ways of the pirate included strategies for boarding enemy vessels, plundering valuable cargo, and managing a pirate crew.   Throughout his life on the high seas, Tyran continued to expand his knowledge through firsthand experiences. He encountered diverse cultures and learned about their unique maritime traditions, picking up knowledge of different seafaring techniques, lore, and rituals. He also encountered magical phenomena associated with the sea, which added a mystical element to his understanding of the world.   Tyran's education was not limited to practical skills alone. He developed an appreciation for the ocean's ecosystems, learning about marine life, underwater habitats, and the delicate balance of the sea's ecology. This understanding instilled in him a deep respect for the ocean's creatures and a commitment to its preservation.   Overall, Tyran's education was a blend of hands-on experience, practical skills learned from seasoned sailors, the lore and stories of seafaring communities, and his own explorations and encounters at sea. This diverse education equipped him with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the vast ocean, face its challenges, and embark on daring adventures as a member of the Solar Eclipse Crew


As a seasoned sailor and pirate, Tyran has dedicated his life to the pursuit of adventure on the high seas. His employment revolves around the various aspects of a seafaring life, combining his skills as a warrior, sailor, and navigator.   Tyran's employment with the Solar Eclipse Crew is multifaceted. First and foremost, he serves as a vital member of the crew's naval force. His expertise in naval combat, his proficiency with weapons, and his unmatched physical strength make him an indispensable asset in battles against rival ships, sea monsters, and other formidable adversaries that may threaten the crew's safety and the success of their missions.   Beyond his combat prowess, Tyran fulfills crucial responsibilities in the day-to-day operations of the crew. He contributes to the maintenance and upkeep of the ship, ensuring it remains seaworthy and ready for long voyages across the astral seas. His knowledge of rigging, sail handling, and ship navigation enables him to assist the crew in efficiently maneuvering the vessel through treacherous waters and adverse weather conditions.   Additionally, Tyran serves as a trusted advisor to the crew, drawing upon his wealth of seafaring experience to offer guidance and strategic insights. His leadership qualities and his boisterous nature make him a source of motivation and morale for the crew, boosting their spirits during long voyages and challenging times.   Furthermore, Tyran's employment extends to sharing his culinary talents as the ship's cook. With his love for food and his culinary skills, he prepares hearty and delicious meals for the crew, ensuring they are well-nourished and energized for their demanding tasks. His ability to transform fresh catches from their astral sea voyages into mouthwatering dishes creates a sense of comfort and home amidst their adventures.   Tyran's employment is not limited to the Solar Eclipse Crew alone. Given his background as a renowned sailor and pirate from Carnleon, he possesses a wealth of maritime knowledge and skills that make him a sought-after consultant and advisor in matters related to navigation, shipbuilding, and seafaring customs.   In conclusion, Tyran "Searock" Prismastone's employment encompasses his role as a warrior, sailor, navigator, advisor, and cook within the Solar Eclipse Crew. His diverse skills and experiences contribute to the success of their missions, ensuring the safety of the crew and the smooth operation of their seafaring endeavors across the astral seas

Accomplishments & Achievements

Pirate Captain: Tyran's exceptional leadership skills and strategic acumen led him to become a renowned pirate captain in the treacherous waters of Carnleon. Under his command, his crew successfully executed daring raids, plundered valuable treasures, and outmaneuvered rival pirate factions, earning him a fearsome reputation and the respect of his fellow pirates.   Battle of the Leviathan: In a legendary encounter, Tyran and his crew engaged in a fierce battle against a colossal sea serpent known as the Leviathan. Through his tactical prowess and unwavering determination, Tyran managed to lead his crew to victory, ultimately subduing the Leviathan and claiming its vast hoard of sunken treasures. This triumph cemented his status as a legendary seafarer.   Discoverer of Uncharted Isles: Tyran's insatiable thirst for adventure and exploration led him to discover several uncharted isles hidden within the astral seas. These unexplored lands were filled with exotic flora and fauna, rare resources, and hidden knowledge. Tyran's discovery of these isles not only expanded the known map of Evermoore but also opened up new opportunities for trade and discovery.   Savior of Shipwrecked Souls: Throughout his career, Tyran has displayed a deep sense of compassion and a strong moral compass. On multiple occasions, he rescued shipwrecked sailors and stranded individuals from perilous situations. His heroic acts earned him the gratitude of those he saved and the admiration of his crewmates, solidifying his reputation as a compassionate and honorable seafarer.   Guardian of Astral Trade Routes: Tyran played a pivotal role in safeguarding the crucial astral trade routes connecting different realms and countries within Evermoore. His expertise in naval combat and his commitment to maintaining the safety and integrity of these routes ensured the smooth flow of goods, fostering prosperous trade relations among diverse civilizations and bolstering the economies of various regions.   Legendary Stormrider: Tyran's unmatched skill in navigating through tempestuous storms earned him the title of "Stormrider." He fearlessly led his crew through treacherous weather conditions, mastering the art of maneuvering amidst roaring thunder, crashing waves, and howling winds. His ability to harness the power of the elements and safely guide his ship through perilous storms became the stuff of legends among sailors.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Lost Expedition: In his early years as a captain, Tyran led an ambitious expedition to uncover the fabled treasure of an ancient civilization rumored to be hidden on a remote island. However, due to unforeseen challenges, treacherous terrain, and the cunning traps set by the island's guardians, the expedition ended in failure. Tyran was forced to retreat, leaving him humbled by the experience and reminding him of the importance of thorough preparation and respect for ancient powers.   The Betrayal of a Trusted Ally: During a high-stakes encounter with a rival pirate crew, Tyran put his trust in an ally who ultimately double-crossed him, leaving his crew vulnerable and the Solar Eclipse ship heavily damaged. The betrayal was a harsh reminder of the unpredictability of alliances and the need for caution when dealing with questionable characters. Tyran vowed to be more discerning in choosing his allies and to trust his instincts.   Mistakes in Navigation: In the midst of a violent storm, Tyran made a critical error in his navigational calculations, leading the Solar Eclipse ship off course and dangerously close to treacherous waters. The crew had to endure harrowing moments before correcting the course and finding their way back to safety. This incident served as a reminder of the importance of precision and vigilance when navigating through unpredictable weather conditions.   Unsuccessful Negotiations: Tyran encountered diplomatic challenges when attempting to negotiate with an elusive group of merfolk. Despite his best efforts, he failed to establish a peaceful agreement, resulting in strained relations and missed opportunities for potential alliances. This failure highlighted the complexities of intercultural communication and the need for patience and understanding when dealing with different races and cultures.   Overconfidence in Battle: In a heated battle against a formidable adversary, Tyran's overconfidence led him to make impulsive decisions, exposing his crew to unnecessary risks. The encounter resulted in significant casualties and damage to the Solar Eclipse ship. This failure taught Tyran the importance of maintaining composure and assessing risks carefully, even in the midst of intense combat situations.   These failures and moments of embarrassment have shaped Tyran's character and have provided valuable lessons in humility, strategic thinking, and resilience. Through these experiences, he has learned to embrace failures as opportunities for growth and self-improvement, ensuring that he approaches future challenges with a level-headed and cautious mindset

Mental Trauma

Survivor's Guilt: Tyran has witnessed the loss of crewmates and friends during perilous battles and treacherous storms. The weight of survivor's guilt haunts him, as he questions why he was spared while others perished. This burden weighs heavily on his heart and fuels a constant drive to honor the memories of those who were lost.   Traumatic Storm Encounters: Tyran has endured harrowing experiences battling violent storms, with crashing waves, howling winds, and thunderous lightning. The relentless fury of nature has left him with lingering anxiety and occasional nightmares. The sound of thunder or a sudden change in weather can trigger vivid memories of those terrifying moments, causing him to relive the trauma.   Betrayal and Loss of Trust: Instances of betrayal by former allies and the loss of trust have deeply affected Tyran's ability to rely on others. These experiences have made him more cautious and guarded in forming new alliances, hesitant to fully trust those around him. He constantly battles with the fear of being betrayed again, leading him to maintain a self-reliant mindset.   Post-Traumatic Stress: The cumulative effects of his seafaring experiences, including battles, losses, and near-death encounters, have taken a toll on Tyran's mental well-being. He occasionally experiences symptoms of post-traumatic stress, such as intrusive memories, heightened vigilance, and emotional distress triggered by reminders of past traumatic events. He copes with these challenges by seeking solace in the familiar routines of ship life and confiding in his trusted crewmates.   Fear of the Unknown: Tyran's encounters with mythical sea creatures, uncharted waters, and ancient powers have left him with a deep-seated fear of the unknown. He grapples with anxiety when faced with unfamiliar territories or when delving into unexplored realms. Despite this fear, he draws strength from his resilience and determination, pushing himself to confront his apprehensions head-on.

Intellectual Characteristics

Strategic Thinking: Tyran has honed his ability to think strategically, considering various factors and potential outcomes when making decisions. He possesses a keen sense of assessing risks, anticipating challenges, and devising effective plans to navigate through uncertain situations. His strategic thinking enables him to steer the Solar Eclipse Crew through treacherous waters, outmaneuver adversaries, and make calculated choices for the success of their missions.   Nautical Knowledge: As a seasoned sailor, Tyran has acquired extensive nautical knowledge through practical experience and learning from maritime experts. He is well-versed in navigation techniques, chart reading, celestial observations, weather patterns, and understanding the unique dynamics of the astral seas. His comprehensive understanding of maritime principles enhances his ability to guide the crew and ensure their safety during their journeys.   Practical Problem-Solving: Tyran excels at practical problem-solving, using his resourcefulness and adaptability to overcome challenges encountered at sea. Whether it's repairing a damaged ship, finding alternative routes through dangerous territories, or improvising solutions in unexpected situations, Tyran employs his intellect to swiftly address problems and find efficient resolutions.   Seamanship Expertise: Tyran's intellectual prowess extends to his expertise in seamanship. He possesses a deep understanding of ship operations, including sail handling, rigging, navigation instruments, and ship maintenance. His knowledge of maritime traditions, customs, and protocols allows him to effectively communicate and collaborate with other sailors and port authorities.   Lore of the Sea: Tyran has a fascination for the lore and legends surrounding the sea. He has a vast knowledge of mythical creatures, ancient tales, and historical events tied to maritime history. This intellectual curiosity enriches his understanding of the astral seas, enhances his storytelling abilities, and fosters a deep appreciation for the mystical aspects of seafaring.   Continuous Learning: Despite his wealth of experience, Tyran maintains a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to lifelong learning. He actively seeks opportunities to expand his intellectual horizons, whether through reading ancient maritime texts, engaging in discussions with fellow sailors, or seeking out scholars and experts in relevant fields. This intellectual curiosity keeps him open-minded and adaptable to new insights and discoveries

Morality & Philosophy

Honor and Loyalty: Tyran places great value on honor and loyalty. He upholds a strict code of conduct, adhering to principles of integrity, trustworthiness, and respect for his crewmates and allies. He prioritizes the well-being and safety of the Solar Eclipse Crew, displaying unwavering loyalty to their cause and fostering a sense of camaraderie among his fellow adventurers.   Compassion for Others: Tyran possesses a deep well of compassion and empathy for others. He is quick to lend a helping hand to those in need, whether it be a shipwrecked sailor, a fellow crewmate in distress, or even a stranded creature of the sea. He believes in the importance of showing kindness and understanding, valuing the inherent worth and dignity of all beings.   Environmental Stewardship: Tyran recognizes the interdependence between the astral seas and all living creatures within it. He holds a strong commitment to environmental stewardship, advocating for the protection of marine life, the preservation of delicate ecosystems, and the responsible use of resources. He seeks to maintain a harmonious balance between the Solar Eclipse Crew's activities and the natural world they traverse.   Freedom and Independence: Tyran values freedom and independence, both for himself and for others. He is a staunch advocate for personal liberty, fighting against oppression and injustice. He champions the rights of sailors, encouraging fair treatment and equitable opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances.   Spirit of Adventure: Tyran embraces the spirit of adventure and exploration. He believes that pushing the boundaries of what is known and venturing into the unknown is essential for personal growth, discovery, and the advancement of knowledge. He encourages his crewmates to embrace curiosity, courage, and a thirst for new experiences.   Pragmatism and Adaptability: While guided by his moral compass, Tyran also recognizes the need for pragmatism and adaptability in the ever-changing world of seafaring. He understands that circumstances may require difficult decisions and compromises, always striving to strike a balance between his moral principles and the practicalities of navigating the astral seas.   Tyran's morality and philosophy reflect a commitment to honor, compassion, environmental stewardship, freedom, and the spirit of adventure. These guiding principles shape his interactions with others, influence his decision-making, and inspire the Solar Eclipse Crew to strive for both personal growth and collective success.
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Fiery eyes
Long, Braided, red head.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, Sea worn.
Aligned Organization

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Cover image: by Joe Kitchen (Ai)


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