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Evermoore The New World

1326 D.Y


New Dawn

The Avatar of Creation is an entity that has existed since before the darkness. Forever creating realms where stories take place. Often resulting in catasrophe

After the age of the Hollow, Evermoore almost didn't recover. Now facing its greatest fear. The neverending story fading to memory like scattered ashes. Forced to create again, once more.

Enter the New Dawn, Started by the Arrival. Evermoores final attempt at a perfect creation. One that would truly last forever. Allowing the tales and legends to thrive and survive long after the return...

Where to Start:
The World of Evermoore is vast and complex, and can be overwhelming to navigate. Don't let that halt your fantastical experience. The World of Evermoore has lots in store for you. First, it's important to determine the age/era that you find the most interesting or intriguing. Select the History of Evermoore timeline Under "Timelines" below to get started. or click here